Before The New Years Portal – Hymn Lyric

Embrace Hope and Trust - Before The New Year's Portal: Find guidance and strength for the untrodden path ahead. Trust in the Lord's wisdom and grace to conquer challenges with unwavering faith.

Before The New Years Portal – Hymn Lyric

“Before The New Year’s Portal: Embracing Hope and Trust for the Future” explores the mixture of excitement and anxiety we feel as we stand before the unknown of the coming year. We humbly seek the Lord’s guidance and ask for His hand to hold us up on the untrodden path. With faith and trust, we can embrace the challenges and blessings that await us, knowing that the Lord’s wisdom and grace will sustain us throughout the journey.


Before The New Years Portal – Hymn Lyric

Before the new year’s portal
With waiting feet I stand
And seek, dear Lord, a ,
The guidance of hand.

The path is all untrodden,
No human footfall yet
Has left a trace to follow,
And save our vain regret.

The way seems dark before me,
With no clear guiding ;
All unrevealed its dangers
To my dim mortal sight.

Father, I dare not venture
One single step alone,
Lest I in blindness stumble
Against some hidden stone.

Known to Thy higher wisdom
Is all my future way;
Its roughness and its windings,
Its snares to lead astray.

Unguided I shall wander,
Lord, let me take Thy hand,
And hold up my goings,
That I secure may stand.

I know not what me
Along the coming year,
What cup of joy untasted,
What weariness or fear;

Beneath what weight of
I may be called to bow,
How near the dreary shadow
Falls on my pathway now.

But this I know, undoubting,
That not too great or strong,
Will be the Thou’lt give me,
The darkness not too long;

For loving like a father
Thou chasten but to bless;
And with each needed trial
Will give sustaining grace.

Lord, quiet these forebodings,
These human doubts remove;
Give me childlike assurance,
A calm, unwavering love.

Let me go forward bravely,
With willing, trusting feet,
Through Thine own strength to conquer
Each enemy I meet.


Meaning of Before The New Years Portal

Before The New Year’s Portal: Embracing Hope and Trust for the Future

As the old year comes to an end and the new year’s portal stands before us, we find ourselves filled with both excitement and trepidation. What lies ahead in the untrodden path of the coming year? What blessings and challenges await us? In this , we humbly seek the guidance of the Lord’s hand, understanding that it is through His wisdom and grace that we can navigate the unknown with courage and faith.

The path before us may seem dark and uncertain. With no clear guiding light, we are unable to foresee its dangers or anticipate its twists and turns. In our mortal limitations, we understand that venturing forward alone would be risky, as we may stumble against hidden obstacles that could hinder our progress. Thus, we humbly ask the Lord to accompany us, to hold our hands and give us the strength to persevere.

We acknowledge that the Lord’s wisdom surpasses our own understanding. He knows the future that lies before us, the roughness of the path, and the snares that may lead us astray. In our human frailty, we would surely wander aimlessly without His guidance. Therefore, we our trust in Him, confident that He will support our every step and ensure our safety.

Though we may not know what awaits us in the coming year, we approach it with undoubting faith. We understand that the cross we bear will not be too great or too strong for us to handle. The darkness that may befall us will not linger for too long. The Lord, like a loving father, allows trials in our lives not to harm us but to bless us. Every challenge we face will be accompanied by sustaining grace, providing us with the strength to endure.

In our moments of doubt and anxiety, we humbly ask the Lord to quiet our fears. We long for childlike assurance and a calm, unwavering love that can only come from Him. We do not want to be paralyzed by our worries but rather, we want to go forward bravely. With willing and trusting feet, we to conquer any enemy we may encounter, relying on the Lord’s strength within us.

Looking ahead to the new year, we acknowledge that there may be joys we have not yet tasted and sorrows that may weigh heavily upon us. We understand that the shadow of despair may loom over our path, threatening to engulf us. However, we hold steadfast to the belief that the Lord will not allow us to bear more than we can handle. We have faith that every trial we face will ultimately lead to growth and blessings beyond measure.

As we stand before the new year’s portal, we are reminded to embrace hope and trust. We may not have all the answers or be able to foresee what lies ahead, but we have the assurance that the Lord walks beside us. He will guide us through each step of our journey, helping us overcome every obstacle that comes our way.

Let us approach the new year with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that await us. Instead of fearing the unknown, let us embrace it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. May we remember the words of this hymn and hold onto the unshakeable faith that the Lord’s guidance will carry us through every moment of the coming year.

Before the new year’s portal, let us lift our voices in gratitude and praise, for the Lord’s loving presence in our lives. Let us trust in His wisdom, knowing that He will give us the strength to face whatever lies ahead. With hope in our hearts and the Lord by our side, we can step confidently into the unknown, ready to conquer any challenge that comes our way.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace Hope and Trust - Before The New Year's Portal: Find guidance and strength for the untrodden path ahead. Trust in the Lord's wisdom and grace to conquer challenges with unwavering faith.


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