Let Us Stand Up For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Let Us Stand Up For Jesus - A Call to Action. Stand up for Jesus

Let Us Stand Up For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Let Us Stand Up For Jesus” – A Call to Action In our hectic world, it’s important to remember to stand up for what is right and honor Jesus’ teachings. This powerful hymn reminds us of our duty to be courageous, , and obedient in our actions. By standing up for Jesus, we are participating in His of , making a difference in the world around us.


Let Us Stand Up For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Let us stand up for Jesus,
Let us stand in His might;
Let us gird on the armor
And be first in the fight;
Let us trust in His promise,
Let His strength make us strong,
And the dear name of Jesus
Be our watchword and song.

Let us stand, firmly stand,
With a heart true and brave;
Let us stand up for Jesus,
Who is mighty to save.

Let us stand up for Jesus,
Let us honor His laws,
Let us watch, and be faithful
To His kingdom and cause;
Let us tell the glad story
Of His and ,
As we march ever
To the City above.


Let us stand up for Jesus
Till the conflict is past,
And at home with the ransomed
We are gathered at last;
Let us follow His banner
Till our trophies we bring
To the feet of our Saviour,
Our Redeemer and King.


Meaning of Let Us Stand Up For Jesus

Let Us Stand Up For Jesus – A Call to Action

In our hectic world, where it’s easy to get caught up in our own worries and concerns, we often forget about the importance of standing up for what is right. But this hymn reminds us of our duty to stand up for Jesus, to have the courage to defend His teachings and principles. So, let’s take a closer look at the timeless message of this hymn and what it means for us today.

The first verse encourages us to stand up for Jesus and stand in His might. It calls upon us to put on the armor and be ready to fight for what is right. While this may not mean literal combat in our everyday lives, it refers to the need to defend and protect our faith in any situation. It’s a call for us to trust in Jesus’ promises and rely on His strength to make us strong.

The refrain emphasizes the importance of standing firm, with a heart that is true and brave. It reminds us that Jesus is mighty to save, and by standing up for Him, we are participating in His work of redemption. This refrain serves as a reminder that we are not alone in our fight. Jesus is with us, empowering us to make a difference.

The second verse directs us to honor Jesus’ laws and be faithful to His kingdom and cause. This is a call to not only believe in Jesus but also to actively live out our faith. It encourages us to be vigilant and watchful, always looking for opportunities to share the good news of Jesus’ mercy and love. As we journey onward, we have the responsibility to share His message, spreading hope and joy to those we encounter.

The refrain returns, reminding us of the importance of standing up for Jesus, even in the face of challenges and adversity. It reassures us that by doing so, we are building a strong foundation for ourselves and those around us.

The final verse encourages us to stand up for Jesus until the conflict is past. It reminds us that our ultimate goal is to be gathered with the ransomed in the heavenly City above. Until that day comes, we are called to follow Jesus’ banner, to be His disciples, and to bring honor to His name. It reminds us that our work is not done until we bring our trophies, the evidence of a lived for Jesus, to lay at His feet.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, we are reminded of our purpose as followers of Jesus. We are called to stand up for Him, to live boldly for Him, and to proclaim His message to the world. We are challenged to be faithful in our actions, to honor His teachings, and to share His love with others. It’s a call to never be complacent in our faith, but to continually strive to be more like Jesus and to make a difference in the world around us.

So, let us stand up for Jesus. Let us be the shining examples of His love and . Let us be courageous in defending His truth, even when it’s unpopular or goes against the norm. Let us be the ones who bring hope and joy to those who need it most. And let us never forget that by standing up for Jesus, we are participating in His work of salvation.

In conclusion, “Let Us Stand Up For Jesus” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of our duty to stand up for Jesus in a world that often challenges His teachings. It calls us to be courageous, faithful, and obedient in our actions, and to constantly strive to make a difference. So let us heed this call and be the ones who proudly stand up for Jesus, knowing that He is mighty to save.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Let Us Stand Up For Jesus - A Call to Action. Stand up for Jesus, defend His teachings and principles with courage and faith. Join His work of redemption and be empowered to make a difference. Stand firm for Jesus, knowing He is mighty to save.


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