The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow – Hymn Lyric

The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow - A hymn embracing the call to follow Jesus Christ

The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow – Hymn Lyric

“The Master Hath And He Calls Us To Follow” is a hymn that inspires believers to answer the call of Jesus and embark on a spiritual journey of growth and faith. It speaks to the challenges and trials we may face, but promises comfort and guidance from God’s Holy Spirit. With unwavering support, we are encouraged to press onward and find solace in His love, knowing that our journey leads to joy.


The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow – Hymn Lyric

The Master has come, and He calls us to follow
the track of the footprints He leaves on our way;
far over the mountain and through the deep hollow,
the leads us on to the mansions of day;

the Master has called us, the children who fear Him,
who march ‘neath Christ’s banner, His own little band;
we love Him and seek Him, we long to be near Him,
and rest in the light of His beautiful land.

The Master has called us; the road may be dreary,
and dangers and are strewn on the track;
but God’s Holy Spirit shall comfort the weary;
we follow the Savior and cannot turn back.

The Master has called us; though doubt and temptation
may compass our journey, we cheerfully :
“press onward, look upward,” thru much tribulation;
the children of Zion must follow their King.

The Master has called us, in life’s early morning,
with spirits as fresh as the dew on the sod;
we turn from the , with its smiles and its scorning
to cast in our lot with the people of God:
the Master has called us, His sons and His daughters,
We plead for His blessing and trust in His love:
and thru the green , beside the still waters,
He’ll lead us at last to His kingdom above.


Meaning of The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow

The hymn “The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow” beautifully captures the essence of a deeply personal call to follow Jesus Christ. It speaks to the hearts of those who have decided to embrace their faith and embark on a journey of spiritual growth. Through its verses, it ignites a sense of hope, courage, and determination in the hearts of believers.

Just like the disciples who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry, the hymn reminds us that we too are called to follow in His footsteps. It paints a vivid picture of a path that winds its way through mountains and deep hollows, symbolizing the challenges and trials we may encounter in our spiritual journey. Yet, despite the difficulties, it reassures us that the path leads to the glorious mansions of , where we’ll find eternal joy and .

As the hymn progresses, it encourages us to face the difficulties and dangers of life with the unwavering support of God’s Holy Spirit. It acknowledges that this journey may not always be easy, but it promises comfort and solace for the weary. This reminder is especially important for young believers who are navigating the ups and downs of adolescence and discovering their own identity and purpose.

Moreover, the hymn emphasizes the need to resist doubt and temptation. It acknowledges that doubts and temptations may try to derail our faith, but it encourages us to press onward and look upward. This is an essential message for teenagers, who often grapple with questions about faith and may be confronted with influences that contradict their beliefs. By encouraging them to stay steadfast in their pursuit of God, the hymn provides them with a sense of direction and guidance.

In the hymn’s verses, it also mentions that the call to follow Jesus comes in life’s early morning, symbolizing the prime of youth. It speaks of fresh spirits, untainted by the cynicism and skepticism of the world. It invites young people to turn away from the empty promises and superficiality of society, and instead cast their lot with the people of God. By doing so, they align themselves with a community of believers who share their faith and can provide support and encouragement.

As the hymn concludes, it reminds us that we are not alone on this journey. It speaks of God’s blessings and His love, which will guide us through the green pastures and beside the still waters. This imagery evokes a sense of tranquility and assurance, assuring us that God will lead us to His heavenly kingdom in due time.

In essence, the hymn “The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow” beautifully captures the essence of what it means to respond to the call of Jesus. It reminds us that our faith journey may have its challenges, but with God’s guidance and the support of fellow believers, we can press onward and find solace in His love. To all who hear this hymn, may it serve as a of hope and encouragement, guiding them in their own personal walk with God.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image The Master Hath Come And He Calls Us To Follow - A hymn embracing the call to follow Jesus Christ, inspiring hope, courage, and determination in the hearts of believers. Press onward in faith and trust in His love.


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