Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy To Show – Hymn Lyric

Experience the profound message of Jesus' mercy and saving power in the hymn "Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy to Show." Reflect on why He is a Savior worth believing in.

Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy To Show – Hymn Lyric

Is Waiting His Mercy to Show: A Worth Believing In Discover the incredible mercy and saving power of Jesus Christ in this powerful hymn that emphasizes His patient nature and willingness to cleanse us from sin. With references to the story of Naaman and Jesus’ triumph over sin and death, we are reminded that Jesus is a Savior worth believing in. Open your heart to Him and experience the boundless mercy and He offers.


Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy To Show – Hymn Lyric

Jesus is waiting His mercy to show,
Oh, He’s a wonderful Savior!
Waiting to wash you far whiter than snow,
Jesus is mighty to save.

Cleansing like Naaman you’ll truly receive,
If on the you will only believe,
Look to the Savior, He’ll heal thy disease,
Jesus is mighty to save.

Jesus is mighty to save,
His as a ransom He gave,
He that believeth salvation shall have,
Jesus is mighty to save.

Jesus is able and will to save,
Oh, He’s a wonderful Savior!
Jesus has triumphed o’er sin and the grave,
Jesus is mighty to save.

Why in the bondage of remain?
Jesus is able to snap ev’ry chain,
Trust in His now, ’twas for sinners He came,
Jesus is mighty to save.


Jesus is waiting to save you from sin,
Oh, He’s a wonderful Savior!
Open your heart’s door and bid Him come in,
Jesus is mighty to save.

Come to Him now, He is waiting for ,
Pardon He purchased for you and for me,
, accept of His mercy so free,
Jesus is mighty to save.


Meaning of Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy To Show

Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy to Show: A Savior Worth Believing In

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible mercy and saving power of Jesus Christ. It tells us that Jesus is patiently waiting to extend His mercy to us, and that He is a wonderful Savior who is mighty to save. Let’s explore the profound message conveyed in this hymn and reflect on the reasons why Jesus is truly worth believing in.

The verse begins by emphasizing Jesus’ waiting nature. He eagerly desires to show His mercy to us, demonstrating His incredible love and forgiveness. Just like snow can cleanse and purify, Jesus is waiting to wash away our sins and make us whiter than snow. His power to save knows no limits.

The hymn then draws a parallel between Jesus’ cleansing power and the story of Naaman. Naaman, an influential soldier in the Bible, suffered from a skin disease. He was instructed by the Elisha to wash himself in the Jordan River seven times, and miraculously, he was healed. Similarly, if we believe in the Lord and place our trust in Him, we will receive His cleansing power and be freed from the bonds of sin.

The refrain reminds us that Jesus is not only mighty to save, but that He willingly gave His life as a ransom for our salvation. Believing in Him guarantees our salvation. This refrain serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice and His willingness to save us from the consequences of sin.

The hymn highlights Jesus’ ability to conquer sin and death. He has triumphed over the grave, demonstrating His power and authority over all. It is through this victory that He offers us the chance to be set free from the bondage of Satan.

We are then encouraged to ponder why we would choose to remain in the clutches of Satan when we have the option to be saved by Jesus. Through His power, Jesus can break every chain that binds us. We are urged to trust in Him because He came specifically for sinners like us – it is His purpose and mission to save and redeem.

Jesus’ waiting nature is emphasized once again, this time as He waits to save us from sin. The hymn invites us to open the door of our hearts and invite Jesus in. He is eagerly waiting for us to accept His invitation, and when we do, He will bring pardon and forgiveness to our lives. The sinner, regardless of their past or present, can accept His free mercy and be transformed.

In the captivating title, “Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy to Show”, we can see the compassion and patience that Jesus has for humanity. It is a reminder that no matter how lost or broken we may feel, Jesus is there, patiently waiting for us to turn to Him. His mercy is boundless, and He is more than capable of saving us from sin’s grip.

As we conclude this reflection on the hymn, we are reminded of the importance of believing in Jesus. His merciful nature, His ability to save, and His triumph over sin and death make Him a Savior worth believing in. We are invited to come to Him, to open our hearts and accept His mercy. Jesus is indeed mighty to save.

In conclusion, this hymn conveys a powerful message of Jesus’ mercy and saving power. It encourages us to believe in Him, to trust in His willingness and ability to save. Jesus’ waiting nature, His triumph over sin and the grave, and His desire to free us from bondage all make Him a Savior worth putting our in. When we open the door of our hearts to Him, we can experience the incredible gift of His mercy and salvation.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the profound message of Jesus' mercy and saving power in the hymn Jesus Is Waiting His Mercy to Show. Reflect on why He is a Savior worth believing in.


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