Stand Apart With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Stand apart with Jesus and discover His love

Stand Apart With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Stand apart with Jesus and embrace His love, guidance, and comfort in your daily life. Seek His guidance, pour out your to Him, and trust in His strength as you walk confidently on the heavenly path. With Jesus by your side, no is too heavy and no path is too winding.


Stand Apart With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Stand apart with Jesus
When the day is new;
He in love will tell
What hands should do.

Walk and talk with Jesus,
Learn of Him each day;
He will safely guide thee
O’er the heavenly way.

If hast a
Past the help of friend,
Tell it Jesus;
He will comfort lend.

Is thy burden heavy?
Does the way seem long?
will bear thy burden,
He will make thee strong!

Is thy pathway winding,
And without a guide?
Only ask of Jesus;
He is at thy side.

Thou canst never falter,
Thou canst never stray,
With His hand to guide thee
O’er the heavenly way.


Meaning of Stand Apart With Jesus

Stand apart with Jesus, my dear friend! This hymn reminds us of the importance of having a close relationship with Jesus in our daily lives. When we start each day with Him, seeking His guidance and learning from Him, we can confidently walk through life knowing that He will lead us on the right path.

As we begin our journey with Jesus, let us remember that He loves us and wants the best for us. Just as the hymn says, He will lovingly tell us what our hands should do. Isn’t it amazing to have a personal guide who knows us so intimately and can direct us in every aspect of our lives? Through prayer and quiet time with Him, we can eagerly listen to His voice and eagerly follow His lead.

Sometimes, life can get tough, and we may find ourselves facing sorrows that feel too heavy to bear. But fear not, my friend, for Jesus is always there to lend us comfort. When we have nowhere else to turn, we can always pour out our hearts to Him. He carries our burdens and gives us the strength to overcome any trial we may face.

Are you feeling weighed down, my friend? Is the journey ahead overwhelming? Take heart, for Jesus willingly shares our burdens. With Him by our side, we are never alone. He supports us through every difficulty and gives us the strength to keep going. When we walk with Jesus, no burden can be too heavy, no path too long.

Life can be challenging, and at times, we may find ourselves lost, unsure of which way to turn. In these moments, we need not fret or worry. Instead, we can simply ask Jesus for guidance. He is our guide who will never lead us astray. His wisdom and direction will light our way and lead us towards the heavenly path. Trust in His guidance, my friend, and you will never falter.

Despite the winding pathways and uncertainty we may encounter, Jesus remains with us. His presence is constant, and His love is everlasting. We can find solace in knowing that He walks beside us, protecting and guiding us throughout our journey. With Jesus by our side, we can move forward confidently, knowing that we are never alone.

Let us stand apart with Jesus, my friend. Let us embrace His love, guidance, and comfort. When we walk and talk with Him, we discover a that surpasses all understanding. He empowers us to face each day with faith and hope, knowing that He is leading us towards a heavenly destination.

In conclusion, my dear friend, stand apart with Jesus! Seek His guidance, pour out your sorrows to Him, and trust in His strength. With Jesus by your side, no burden is too heavy, no path too winding. Let Him be your constant companion as you journey through life. May His love and grace guide you always, as you walk with Him on the heavenly way.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Stand apart with Jesus and discover His love, guidance, and comfort. Walk and talk with Him each day, trusting in His strength to overcome any burden. Seek His guidance and let Him be your constant companion. Stand apart with Jesus on the heavenly way.


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