Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Boundless Love of the Great Redeemer in "Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing". Explore the captivating melodies that encompass the depths of this exquisite theme. Join in the symphony of praise and gratitude for this transformative gift of love.

Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing – Hymn Lyric

Where Shall My Begin To Sing: Discovering the Boundless Love of the Great Redeemer takes us on a journey through the depths of an awe-inspiring love. This boundless and captivating love of the great Redeemer surpasses all others, bringing warmth to our hearts even in the darkest moments. With every breath, we sing the praises of this redeeming love, and anticipate the day when our voices will join an eternal symphony of adoration.


Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing – Hymn Lyric

Where shall my soul begin to sing
The great Redeemer’s love?
To the everlasting King,
Who left His throne above?

O love, what a delightful theme!
How charming is the sound!
Twas love that did the world redeem,
No other help was found.

Angels have strove, but all in vain,
To view the great design;
‘Tis mystery all: they can’t explain
The depth of love .

My feeble song I cannot raise
As angels do above;
Yet while I’ve breath I’ll sing the praise
Of this redeeming love.

And when I lose this stammering tongue,
I’ll sing as loud as they;
shall be all my song
Through one eternal day.


Meaning of Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing

Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing: Discovering the Boundless Love of the Great Redeemer

In the realm of awe-inspiring wonders and captivating melodies, there exists a subject that surpasses all others in its sheer delight and charm. It is a topic that brings warmth to our hearts and gives us hope in even the darkest of moments. This exquisite subject is none other than the boundless love of the great Redeemer.

Imagine, if you will, the expanse of the universe, extending far beyond what the eye can see. Within this vast expanse, there exists a King who reigns not from a golden throne or a magnificent palace, but from a place far above the heavens. This King, in all His glory, chose to leave His majestic abode and descend to the earth below.

Why would a King of such grandeur forsake His throne? The answer lies in one word: love. Love compelled the King to embark on a mission like no other – to redeem a fallen world, to restore hope to the hopeless, and to offer salvation to those who were lost.

This divine act of love is a resounding that rings through the ages. It is a melody that has echoed through the corridors of time, captivating the hearts of men and angels alike. Angels, with their angelic voices, have tirelessly striven to comprehend the magnitude of this great design, but their efforts fall short in the face of this profound mystery.

The depth of this love is beyond all human understanding. It defies reason and logic, yet it fills us with an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. It is a love that surpasses all boundaries and knows no limits. It is a love that embraced the brokenness of humanity and transformed it into beauty.

Though our voices may not soar as high as those of the angels, we are not deterred. We may possess only feeble tongues, but that does not diminish the power of our praise. As long as breath fills our lungs, we will sing the praises of this redeeming love.

Just imagine what it will be like when we no longer have the limitations of our mortal bodies. When our stammering tongues are replaced by voices as resonant as the celestial beings above, we will join in a majestic symphony of adoration. Salvation will be our anthem, resounding through the endless realm of eternity.

In the depths of our souls, we long for this eternal day when all barriers will be removed, and we will be united in perfect harmony with the great Redeemer. It is a day filled with hope, a day when all tears will be wiped away, and all pain will be forgotten.

This song of redeeming love is not limited to the walls of a or the confines of a religious gathering. It is for all, regardless of age, race, or background. It is a melody that transcends borders and reaches into the very core of our being.

So, where shall our souls begin to sing? Let them begin in the quiet moments, when we reflect on the goodness and mercy of the great Redeemer. Let them sing in the busyness of our daily lives, as we strive to live out the love we have received. Let them resonate in our interactions with others, as we extend and forgiveness, mirroring the love that has been lavished upon us.

Let our souls sing of this redeeming love in every season and circumstance of life. Let our voices rise above the noise of this world, proclaiming the message of hope and salvation. Let this song become our legacy, our testimony to the transformative power of love.

In conclusion, the great Redeemer’s love is a gift beyond measure. It is a love that knows no boundaries and defies all odds. It is a love that invites us to join in a symphony of praise, expressing our gratitude for the salvation that has been freely given. So, let us lift our voices and our hearts, for in the depths of this redeeming love, we find true joy and everlasting .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Boundless Love of the Great Redeemer in Where Shall My Soul Begin To Sing. Explore the captivating melodies that encompass the depths of this exquisite theme. Join in the symphony of praise and gratitude for this transformative gift of love.


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