Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns – Hymn Lyric

Experience the triumphant resurrection of Jesus The Mighty Conqueror in this powerful hymn. Celebrate His victory over every foe and find hope in His reign as King. Join in the joyful refrain and proclaim His triumph!

Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns” is a powerful hymn that celebrates the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ and His power over death and every foe. Through its uplifting verses, we are reminded to rejoice in the of our Lord and proclaim His greatness. Jesus, our mighty conqueror, brings hope, joy, and freedom to all who believe in Him.


Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns – Hymn Lyric

Jesus the mighty conq’ror, now rises from the tomb,
His resurrection glory dispels its chilling .
While, from its open portals, an angel, clad in light,
Doth reveal to mortals the triumphs of His might.

For the Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
And conquered every foe.

The grave its awful conquest o’er man for ages won;
Defeated, now surrenders to God’s victorious Son;
The mighty conq’ror, captive, now leads captivity,
Precious gifts bestowing of life and liberty.

For the Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
And conquered every foe.

Death’s power fore’er is broken, God’s saints no longer mourn;
Its sting can bring no torture, for Christ the curse hath borne;
His glorious exaltation let men and angels ;
Jesus, mighty conq’ror, in earth and is King.

For the Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
The Lord hath risen,
And conquered every foe.


Meaning of Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns

In the hymn “Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns,” we are reminded of the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ and the power He holds over death and every foe. Through the beautiful verses of this hymn, we are encouraged to celebrate and proclaim the triumph of our Lord.

The hymn begins by proclaiming the resurrection glory of Jesus, as He rises from the tomb and dispels the chilling gloom. This powerful image reminds us that Jesus, through His resurrection, has conquered death and brought light into our lives. It is through His triumph over the grave that we find hope and joy.

The hymn also describes an angel, dressed in light, who reveals the triumphs of Jesus to mortals. This image paints a vivid picture of the heavenly realm rejoicing in the victory of the Lord. It is a reminder that the resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical event, but a cosmic triumph that echoes through .

In the refrain of the hymn, we are invited to join in the celebration, repeating the powerful words, “The Lord hath risen, and conquered every foe.” This refrain serves as a reminder that Jesus is not just a conqueror of death, but of every obstacle and challenge we may face. His victory is complete, and through Him, we can overcome any adversity.

The hymn then goes on to describe the defeat of death and its to Jesus, the victorious Son of God. Death, which once held a grip on mankind, has now been conquered. It is no longer a source of mourning for God’s saints, but rather a defeated enemy. The power of death has been broken by Christ, who willingly bore the curse for our sake.

The hymn also emphasizes the role of Jesus as the mighty conqueror who leads captivity captive. This powerful imagery portrays Jesus as a triumphant king, liberating those who were held captive by and death. Through His sacrifice, He bestows precious gifts of life and liberty upon us. The freedom we experience through Jesus is not just from earthly constraints, but from the bondage of sin itself.

Furthermore, the hymn reminds us of the everlasting exaltation of Jesus. It calls upon men and angels to sing of His glorious reign as the mighty conqueror. This exaltation is not limited to a particular realm, but extends to both earth and Heaven. Jesus is the King of all creation, reigning with power, authority, and love.

As we reflect on the hymn “Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns,” we are reminded of the immense power and victory of our Lord. Through His resurrection, He has conquered death, sin, and every foe we may face. We are called to celebrate and proclaim His triumph, recognizing Him as the mighty conqueror who leads us to life and liberty.

In conclusion, “Jesus The Mighty Conqueror Reigns” is a hymn that beautifully expresses the victory and power of Jesus Christ. Through its verses, we are encouraged to celebrate and proclaim His triumph over death and every obstacle we may face. This hymn reminds us of the hope and joy we have in our risen Lord, who reigns as the mighty conqueror in earth and Heaven.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the triumphant resurrection of Jesus The Mighty Conqueror in this powerful hymn. Celebrate His victory over every foe and find hope in His reign as King. Join in the joyful refrain and proclaim His triumph!


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