In Jesus Christ I Am Complete – Hymn Lyric

Experience true fulfillment and wholeness in Jesus Christ. Find forgiveness

In Jesus Christ I Am Complete – Hymn Lyric

Are you looking for fulfillment and wholeness in your ? Look no further than Jesus Christ. In Him, you can find complete and total fulfillment, as His , , and purpose transform your life. Embrace His love, accept His forgiveness, and experience the true wholeness that only He can offer. In Jesus Christ, you are complete.


In Jesus Christ I Am Complete – Hymn Lyric

In Jesus Christ I am complete,
My soul is cleansed from sin;
His love in me is ever sweet,
His grace abounds within.

Complete, complete, I’m all complete,
Oh, to His name!
Redeemed, redeemed, just now complete,
His love I will proclaim.

In Jesus Christ I am complete,
My sins are all forgiv’n;
To do His will, it is my meat,
My name’s enrolled in Heav’n.


In Jesus Christ I am complete,
My needs are all supplied;
In Him I have a safe retreat,
My soul is sanctified.


I’m in the living of God,
In Christ I am complete;
Supported by His precious word,
I’ll worship at His feet.


Meaning of In Jesus Christ I Am Complete

In Jesus Christ I Am Complete: Finding Fulfillment and Wholeness

Have you ever felt like something was missing in your life? Like there was a void deep within you that nothing seemed to fill? We all long for a sense of completeness and fulfillment, a feeling that we are whole and content. It is a universal that transcends age, gender, and culture.

In the “In Jesus Christ I Am Complete,” we are reminded of the source of true completeness. It starts by declaring, “In Jesus Christ I am complete, my soul is cleansed from sin.” This powerful statement highlights the transformative power of Christ’s love and forgiveness. When we accept and embrace Jesus into our lives, we experience a spiritual cleansing that frees us from the guilt and shame of our past mistakes.

The refrain of the hymn rejoices in this newfound completeness, proclaiming, “Complete, complete, I’m all complete, Oh, glory to His name! Redeemed, redeemed, just now complete, His love I will proclaim.” It is a reminder that our wholeness is not dependent on our own efforts or achievements, but on the redemptive work of Christ. We can find true fulfillment by surrendering to His love and allowing His grace to transform us.

The second verse of the hymn focuses on the forgiveness we receive in Jesus. It states, “In Jesus Christ I am complete, my sins are all forgiv’n; to do His will, it is my meat, my name’s enrolled in Heav’n.” When we acknowledge our for forgiveness and turn to Christ, He not only us but also empowers us to live a life that is aligned with His will. It is through obedience to God’s commands and purpose for our lives that we find true satisfaction and purpose.

The third verse highlights another aspect of our completeness in Christ. It affirms, “In Jesus Christ I am complete, my needs are all supplied; in Him I have a safe retreat, my soul is sanctified.” Jesus not only meets our spiritual needs but also our physical, emotional, and relational needs. He is our safe haven, our refuge in times of trouble. In His presence, we find healing, , and restoration. It is through our relationship with Him that we experience true wholeness and sanctification.

The final verse of the hymn reminds us of the significance of being part of the body of Christ. It says, “I’m in the living Church of God, in Christ I am complete; supported by His precious word, I’ll worship at His feet.” As believers, we are not meant to navigate life alone. We are part of a community – the Church – where we find support, encouragement, and accountability. It is within this community that we discover our unique purpose and giftings, and where we are able to worship and serve God wholeheartedly.

“In Jesus Christ I Am Complete” encapsulates the essence of what it means to find true fulfillment and wholeness. It reminds us that our completeness is not found in worldly achievements, possessions, or approval from others. It is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who offers us forgiveness, love, purpose, and a community of believers.

So, if you’ve been searching for something to fill that void within, look no further. Jesus Christ offers you complete and total fulfillment. Embrace His love, accept His forgiveness, and surrender to His will. Allow Him to transform your life and fill you with a sense of wholeness and completeness that surpasses all understanding. You are not alone – in Jesus Christ, you are complete.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience true fulfillment and wholeness in Jesus Christ. Find forgiveness, love, purpose, and a supportive community. Embrace His love and embrace completeness.


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