Looking to Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Maximize your comfort and hope by looking to Jesus. Find love

Looking to Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Looking to Jesus: A Source of Love, Hope, and Comfort” is an inspiring that reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ love and the many ways in which he touches our lives. Whether in moments of or despair, in the fulfillment of our daily duties or acts of compassion, in the face of death, Jesus is there. By looking to Jesus, we find love, hope, and comfort that surpasses anything the can offer. May we always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and allow his presence to guide our lives.


Looking to Jesus – Hymn Lyric

If love, the noblest, purest, best,
If truth, all other truth above,
May claim return from every breast,
O, surely Jesus claims our love!

There’s not a hope with comfort fraught,
Triumphant over death and time,
But Jesus mingles in that thought,
Forerunner of our course sublime.

His image meets us in the hour
Of joy, and brightens every smile;
We see him, when the tempests lower,
Each terror soothe, each grief beguile.

We see him in the daily round
Of social duty, mild and meek;
With him we tread the hallowed ground,
Communion with our God to seek.

We see his pitying, gentle eye,
When lonely want appeals for aid;
We him in the frequent sigh,
That mourns the waste that sin has made.

We meet him at the lowly tomb,
And weep where Jesus wept before;
And there, above the grave’s dark gloom,
We see him rise,-and weep no more.


Meaning of Looking to Jesus

Looking to Jesus: A Source of Love, Hope, and Comfort

In a world full of uncertainty and challenges, it is comforting to know that there is someone who loves us unconditionally, someone who embodies truth and goodness. This hymn beautifully reminds us that Jesus is that someone who deserves our love and . With each verse, we are reminded of the countless ways in which Jesus touches our lives and offers us hope, comfort, and purpose.

The first verse sets the tone by proclaiming that love, the noblest and purest of all emotions, seeks reciprocation from every heart. And indeed, Jesus, who is the epitome of love, deserves our love in return. It is through this love that we find solace and strength, knowing that we are never alone on this of life.

The hymn then delves into the concept of hope, describing it as the force that triumphs over death and time. But what makes this hope so powerful and enduring? It is Jesus himself, the forerunner of our sublime course. Just as a forerunner paves the way for others, Jesus paves the way for us, leading us towards eternal life and salvation. When we look to Jesus, we can find hope that transcends the challenges and trials we face, for his presence assures us that there is something greater awaiting us.

The image of Jesus is not limited to grand moments of triumph or despair but is also present in our everyday lives. The hymn beautifully illustrates this by stating that we see Jesus in moments of joy, where his presence brightens our smiles. In times of darkness and turbulence, Jesus brings solace and , calming our fears and comforting our griefs. He is not a distant figure but a constant , walking with us as we fulfill our social duties and seek communion with God.

Compassion is a defining trait of Jesus, and we see it reflected in his eyes. The hymn acknowledges this empathy by depicting Jesus’ compassionate gaze when faced with lonely want or the consequences of sin. His compassionate sighs mourn the wastes that sin has caused in the world. This awareness of Jesus’ empathy reminds us of our own responsibilities to show compassion and assist those in , just as Jesus does.

Death is an inevitable part of life, and the hymn acknowledges this reality. We are drawn to Jesus at the lowly tomb, where we remember his own tears shed at the grave. In these moments of mourning, we find solace by looking to Jesus. We are reminded that he conquered the grave, above the darkness, and in doing so, he offers us hope beyond death. Our tears turn to joy as we remember that Jesus has conquered death, and we, too, can have eternal life through him.

In conclusion, “Looking to Jesus” is an inspiring hymn that reminds us of the depth of Jesus’ love and the many ways in which he touches our lives. Whether in moments of joy or despair, in the fulfillment of our daily duties or acts of compassion, in the face of death, Jesus is there. By looking to Jesus, we find love, hope, and comfort that surpasses anything the world can offer. May we always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and allow his presence to guide our lives.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Maximize your comfort and hope by looking to Jesus. Find love, hope, and purpose in his presence. Discover the power of his compassion and the triumph over death.


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