My Beloved Is So Fair – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Beauty of Jesus' Love - My Beloved Is So Fair. Celebrate His grace

My Beloved Is So Fair – Hymn Lyric

In the “My Beloved Is So Fair,” the beauty and of Jesus’ love are celebrated. The verses explore the forgiveness and freedom He offers to those who believe in Him, inviting readers to experience rest and completeness in His love. It is a heartfelt invitation to explore the significance of Jesus’ love in our lives and find solace in its beauty.


My Beloved Is So Fair – Hymn Lyric

My Beloved is so fair;
How His breath perfumes the air!
Oh, the heaven of His smiles my soul doth see!

Oh, the wonders of His grace,
To unveil the holy ,
To invite me to the banquet of the free!

Oh, this blessed, holy rest,
On my Jesus’ loving breast!
Oh, the sweetness and completeness
Of perfected holiness!

How my soul was stained with sin!
Yet my Jesus took me in,
And a robe of purest whiteness gave to me:

First He pardoned all my guilt,
And His wondrous love I felt,
And I shouted, for the Son had made me free. [Refrain]

Then He brought me to the fount
Flowing free from Calv’ry’s mount,
And in love He taught the will of God to me;

And I there began to die;
For my soul to sanctify,
Did my Jesus shed His blood upon the tree. [Refrain]

And He taught me that I must
Then be prostrate in the dust,
That with Him if I would reign eternally,

Self within must all be slain,
And I live with Him again,
Just the holy my Lord now giveth me. [Refrain]

So if now my soul doth boast,
It is of the Holy Ghost,
And my Jesus who so fully saveth me;

Oh, that all on Him would wait!
For His life without the
As a ransom did He give for you and me. [Refrain]    

Meaning of My Beloved Is So Fair

My Beloved Is So Fair: The Beauty of Jesus’ Love

In this heartfelt hymn, the beauty of Jesus’ love is celebrated. The verses paint a vivid picture of the wonders of His grace, His forgiveness, and the freedom He offers to those who believe in Him. It is an invitation to experience the blessed and holy rest that comes from resting on Jesus’ loving breast. Let us delve deeper into the meaning behind these words and explore the significance of Jesus’ love in our lives.

The hymn begins with the description of Jesus as fair and how His breath perfumes the air. This imagery captures the essence of Jesus’ divine beauty and the way His presence can transform and uplift our spirits. His heavenly smiles a sense of and to the depths of our souls. We can envision His radiant smile illuminating our lives, filling us with and comfort.

The next verse speaks of the wonders of His grace, inviting us to the banquet of the free. Jesus’ grace is truly remarkable, for it is through His mercy and forgiveness that we are invited to partake in the abundant blessings of His kingdom. Despite our stained souls tainted by sin, Jesus willingly took us in and clothed us in robes of purest whiteness. His love transforms our guilt into righteousness, replacing our shame with a new identity in Him.

Through this hymn, we are reminded of the process of and sanctification. The following verse highlights Jesus’ work on the cross, where He shed His blood to sanctify our souls. By bringing us to the fount flowing from Calvary’s mount, He teaches us the will of God and enables us to die to our old selves. It is through His sacrifice that we find new life and are empowered to live a holy existence.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of humility and surrender in our relationship with Jesus. We are encouraged to be prostrate in the dust, acknowledging our utter dependence on Him. In dying to self, we allow His life to flow through us, enabling us to reign with Him eternally. This process of crucifying our desires and submitting to His will is a daily journey of transformation.

As believers, we are called to boast in the Holy Ghost, who works within us to bring about this holy life. It is the Holy Spirit’s presence that enables us to experience true freedom and live in alignment with God’s purposes. As we yield ourselves to the Spirit’s leading, we are continuously transformed into the image of Christ, reflecting His love and goodness to a world in need.

The hymn ends with a plea for others to wait on Jesus, to trust in His sacrifice as the ransom for their lives. The gate alludes to the entrance to eternal life, and Jesus’ life was given as a ransom to secure our salvation. His love knows no bounds, and He longs for all to experience the same transformative power that has been demonstrated in the lives of believers.

In conclusion, “My Beloved Is So Fair” beautifully captures the essence of Jesus’ love and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Through His grace, forgiveness, and the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, we are invited into a life of holiness and freedom. It is a love that brings rest, completeness, and a sense of belonging. May we all respond to this timeless invitation and find solace in the beauty of Jesus’ love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Beauty of Jesus' Love - My Beloved Is So Fair. Celebrate His grace, forgiveness, and the freedom He offers. Explore the profound impact of His love on our lives.


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