The Sun Is Sinking Fast – Hymn Lyric

Embrace love and self-sacrifice as the sun sets. Reflect on the power of surrendering to God's will for a life of purpose. "The Sun Is Sinking Fast" hymn inspires devotion and unity with the divine. Surrender your desires and find solace in God's presence.

The Sun Is Sinking Fast – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “The Sun Is Sinking Fast,” we are reminded of the importance of love and self-sacrifice. As the sun sets, we reflect on our day and are invited to awaken love within ourselves. The hymnist urges us to surrender our to a greater purpose, finding solace in the presence of and aligning our desires with His will. By embodying the message of this hymn, we can find purpose, devotion, and the boundless love of the divine.


The Sun Is Sinking Fast – Hymn Lyric

The sun is sinking fast, the daylight dies;
let love awake, and pay her evening sacrifice.

As Christ upon the cross his head inclined,
and to his Father’s hands his parting soul resigned;

So now herself my soul would wholly give
into his sacred charge in whom all spirits live;

So now beneath his eye would calmly rest,
without a wish or thought abiding in the breast;

Save that his will be done, whate’er betide;
dead to herself, and dead in him to all beside.

Thus would I live: yet now not I, but he,
in all his power and love, alive in me.

One sacred Trinity, one Lord divine,
may I be ever his, and he for ever mine.


Meaning of The Sun Is Sinking Fast

As the sun begins its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, we find ourselves reflecting on the passing day. In this hymn, titled “The Sun Is Sinking Fast,” we are reminded of the importance of love and self-sacrifice. The words within these verses hold a powerful message that can resonate in our hearts and guide us towards a filled with purpose and devotion.

In the very first line, we are invited to acknowledge the fading daylight and to awaken love within ourselves. Love, a force so profound and transformative, calls us to action. It reminds us that even in the face of , we have the power to bring light and into the world.

Drawing a parallel to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the hymnist urges us to surrender our souls to a greater purpose. Just as Jesus willingly up his life to fulfill God’s plan, we are encouraged to wholeheartedly entrust ourselves to the divine. This act of surrender is an act of , an acknowledgment that there is a higher power at work in our lives.

The image of resting beneath God’s watchful eye emerges, as the songwriter longs to find solace and peace in the knowledge that they are in the hands of a loving Creator. This image serves as a reminder to still our restless hearts and minds, finding contentment and security in the presence of God. It is in this state of calm that we can truly align our desires with God’s will, surrendering our own wishes and thoughts for the greater good.

The hymn emphasizes the importance of being dead to oneself and the distractions of the world. In a culture filled with constant noise and a never-ending pursuit of self-satisfaction, this notion might sound strange. However, by relinquishing our own desires and ambitions, we create space for God’s plan to unfold within us. It is in dying to ourselves that we truly find life and purpose.

The hymnist humbly submits their will to God’s, demonstrating an understanding that God’s plan is ultimately what is best for us. This act of surrender requires trust and faith, acknowledging that even in the face of uncertainty or adversity, we are held in the loving embrace of our Creator. This surrender is an ongoing process, one that we must continually practice and cultivate in our lives.

The final lines of the hymn beautifully express the desire for unity with God and the recognition of the sacred trinity. By aligning ourselves with God, we aspire to be forever His, and in turn, open ourselves to the limitless love and grace that flows from Him. It is through this divine connection that we find our true purpose and meaning in life.

As we reflect on these words, we are called to examine our own lives and ask ourselves if we are truly living in a way that reflects the hymnist’s sentiments. Are we awake to love, to surrender our own will for God’s plan? Are we finding rest and contentment in God’s presence? Are we continually seeking unity with the Divine?

“The Sun Is Sinking Fast” offers us a powerful reminder of what it means to live a life of love and self-sacrifice. It encourages us to let go of our own desires and surrender to God’s will, trusting in His greater plan for our lives. By embodying the message of this hymn, we can create a life infused with purpose, devotion, and the boundless love of the divine. So let us strive to be awake to love, even as the sun sinks below the horizon, and may our lives be a beautiful evening sacrifice to the One who gives us life and purpose.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace love and self-sacrifice as the sun sets. Reflect on the power of surrendering to God's will for a life of purpose. The Sun Is Sinking Fast hymn inspires devotion and unity with the divine. Surrender your desires and find solace in God's presence.


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