Come Brother Jesus Saith I Am The Way – Hymn Lyric

I-Ching Coins: A Complete Guide to Interpretation for Beginners and Experts alike. Discover the ancient wisdom of the I-Ching and unlock your true potential.

Come Brother Jesus Saith I Am The Way – Hymn Lyric

In the “Come Brother Jesus Saith, I Am The Way,” we are reminded that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. His words offer hope, comfort, and assurance. As we follow Jesus, we find the heavenly path, experience peace and freedom from doubt, and overcome fear. Let us embrace Him as our guide and allow His love to lead us.


Come Brother Jesus Saith I Am The Way – Hymn Lyric

Come, brother, Jesus saith,
I am the way;
Here find the heavenly path;
I am the way.

Earth, sin, and sorrow flee,
Glory and gladness see,
Let Me your pattern be;
I am the way.

I am the way, I am the way,
Let Me be your pattern,
I am the way.

Here rest, then, troubled heart,
I am the truth;
Peace let My word impart;
I am the truth.

Sin’s heavy debt is paid,
No more shall doubt pervade,
Bright hopes shall never fade;
I am the truth.

I am the way, I am the way,
Let Me be your pattern,
I am the way.

Fear not the gloomy vale;
I am the life;
My word can never fail;
I am the life.

And though the come on,
Soon all the shades be gone,
Soon will the dawn;
I am the life.

I am the way, I am the way,
Let Me be your pattern,
I am the way.


Meaning of Come Brother Jesus Saith I Am The Way

In this beautiful hymn, titled “Come Brother Jesus Saith, I Am The Way,” we are reminded of the powerful message that Jesus shared with his disciples and continues to share with us today. The hymn is filled with hope, comfort, and the assurance that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

The first verse begins by inviting us to come and to the words of Jesus. He declares, “I am the way; Here find the heavenly path.” This statement holds profound meaning as it emphasizes that Jesus is not just “a” way, but “the” way to heaven. He is the path we should follow, leading us from sin and sorrow and into glory and gladness. As we navigate through life, Jesus is our guide and our example. We look to Him to show us how to live and love, knowing that He is the perfect pattern for our lives.

The refrain reinforces this message by repeating, “I am the way, I am the way, let me be your pattern, I am the way.” These words serve as a gentle reminder that we must ourselves to Jesus and allow Him to lead us. He is the ultimate example of how we should live and walk through life.

Moving on to the second verse, Jesus assures us that He is the truth. He says, “Peace, let my word impart; I am the truth.” In a world full of uncertainty and falsehood, Jesus offers us a solid foundation. His word is truth, providing us with clarity and peace. By following His teachings and embracing His truth, we can find freedom from doubt and confusion.

The refrain once again emphasizes Jesus as the way and encourages us to let Him be our pattern. By making Jesus the center of our lives and aligning our actions with His teachings, we can experience the fullness of His truth.

The final verse addresses our fear of death and the unknown. Jesus declares, “Fear not the gloomy vale; I am the life; My word can never fail; I am the life.” Death can often seem like a dark and daunting journey, but Jesus promises to be with us through it all. He is the life, offering us life through His on the cross. Even in the midst of , Jesus’ light shines brightly, and He assures us that the shadows will give way to the dawn.

The refrain serves as a powerful conclusion, reinforcing the message that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. It reminds us to place our trust in Him and to allow His teachings to shape our lives.

In conclusion, the hymn “Come Brother Jesus Saith, I Am The Way” reminds us that Jesus is the ultimate source of guidance, truth, and life. Through His teachings and example, we can find the heavenly path, experience peace and freedom from doubt, and overcome our fear of death. Let us embrace Jesus as our pattern and allow His love and grace to lead us on this journey of .


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