Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? – Hymn Lyric

Seeking solace and guidance in moments of despair? Lift your voice and cry out to dear Jesus for help. Find hope

Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? – Hymn Lyric

Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? The Cry of a Broken In the depths of despair and heartache, we turn to you, dear Jesus, seeking solace and guidance. Our souls are burdened with sorrows, and our hearts feel as if they are on the verge of shattering into a million pieces. We find ourselves at a loss, unsure of where to turn and who to confide in. But in this moment of vulnerability, we know that we can come to you, dear Jesus, for help.


Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? – Hymn Lyric

Dear Jesus, canst Thou help me?
My soul is full of woe;
My heart is almost breaking,
I’ve nowhere else to go.

I’ve nowhere else to go, Dear Jesus, but to Thee,
And so I lift my voice and cry, Have mercy, on me.
Have mercy, Lord, on me.
Have mercy, Lord on me
And so I lift my voice and cry, Have mercy, Lord on me.

I feel I am a sinner, And this my only plea,
The sweet and assurance, That Thou hast died for me.

I’ve heard there is a fountain, Where cleansing waters flow;
My sins though red like crimson, May now be white as snow.

Thy blood doth fill that fountain, Thy blood so pure and free;
That blood availed for others, And now avails for me.

Dear Jesus, loving ; Thou precious dying Lamb,
Where here my faith is pleading; Now take me as I am.


Meaning of Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me?

Dear Jesus, Canst Thou Help Me? The Cry of a Broken Soul

In the depths of despair and heartache, we turn to you, dear Jesus, seeking solace and guidance. Our souls are burdened with sorrows, and our hearts feel as if they are on the verge of shattering into a million pieces. We find ourselves at a loss, unsure of where to turn and who to confide in. But in this moment of vulnerability, we know that we can come to you, dear Jesus, for help.

Sometimes life’s challenges can feel overwhelming. The weight of our worries and troubles can become too much to bear. It is during these moments that we realize we have nowhere else to go but to you, dear Jesus. We lift our voices and cry out to you, desperately pleading for mercy. We long for your comforting presence to envelop us, to soothe our troubled hearts and mend our broken spirits.

Within our souls, we recognize our own imperfections. We understand that we are sinners, and it is this realization that drives us to seek your forgiveness. In our plea for mercy, we find solace in the knowledge that you, dear Jesus, have died for us. This blessed assurance gives us hope, knowing that through your , we can find redemption and reconciliation with our Creator.

Like a traveler parched from the desert , we have heard whispers of a fountain where cleansing waters flow. It is within this fountain that the stains of our sins, though they may be as red as crimson, can be washed away, leaving us pure as snow. In this promise of renewal, we find the strength to let go of our past mistakes and embrace a brighter, more hopeful future.

The blood you shed, dear Jesus, fills that fountain. A blood so pure and free, it has the power to avail not only for others but also for me. Forever grateful, we marvel at the depth of your love and the extent of your sacrifice. Our hearts overflow with gratitude, knowing that your blood has paved the way for our redemption and salvation.

In our unworthiness, we turn to you, dear Jesus, with awe and reverence. You are the embodiment of love and compassion, the precious dying Lamb who willingly your life for us. It is here, in this place of faith, that we present ourselves to you, just as we are. We do not need to clean ourselves up or pretend to be someone we’re not. Instead, we humbly offer our brokenness to you, knowing that you will accept us with open arms.

Dear Jesus, canst thou help me? This heartfelt plea resonates with us all, regardless of age or literacy level. We all face moments of despair and desperation, when our hearts cry out for comfort and reassurance. And in those moments, we find hope in the words of this , knowing that we can come to you, dear Jesus, and find the solace and support we so desperately need.

So, let us hold on to the belief that you are there for us, ready to offer your mercy and guidance. Let us remember that we have nowhere else to go but to you, dear Jesus, for you are the source of healing and redemption. May your love and grace wash over us like the cleansing waters of the fountain, transforming our lives and filling us with hope.

Dear Jesus, canst thou help me? Yes, dear friend, he can. He is always ready to extend his hand and walk with us on this journey of life. May we find comfort in his presence, strength in his love, and the courage to face every challenge that comes our way. Let us lift our voices and cry out to him, knowing that he hears and answers our prayers. Have mercy, Lord, on us. Amen.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Seeking solace and guidance in moments of despair? Lift your voice and cry out to dear Jesus for help. Find hope, redemption, and solace in his love and mercy. Canst thou help me?


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