Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Glories of Eternity | Soar on Wings Sublime with "Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime" | Embrace Heaven's Joys & Dwell with God

Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime – Hymn Lyric

“Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime: Exploring the Glories of Eternity” is a hymn that encourages us to look beyond the distractions of earthly and focus on the eternal joys that await us. It reminds us that we are anew and have the opportunity to rise above worldly desires. Our ultimate goal is to dwell with and experience His , which will bring us true fulfillment.


Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime – Hymn Lyric

Now let our souls on wings sublime,
Rise from the vanities of time,
Draw back the parting veil and see,
The glories of eternity.

Born by a new celestial birth,
Why should we grovel here on earth?
Why grasp at transitory toys,
So near to Heav’n’s eternal joys.

Shall aught beguile us on the road,
When we are walking back to God?
For strangers into life we come,
And dying is but going home.

Welcome sweet hour of full discharge,
That sets our longing souls at large.
Unbinds our chains, breaks up our cell,
And gives us with our God to dwell.

To dwell with God, to feel His love,
Is the full Heav’n enjoyed above;
And the sweet expectation now,
Is the young dawn of Heav’n below.


Meaning of Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime

Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime: Exploring the Glories of Eternity

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves immersed in the vanities of time. We become engrossed in the pursuit of material possessions, seeking transient joys that offer little lasting satisfaction. But deep within our souls, there is a yearning for something more, a to transcend the limited boundaries of earthly existence and behold the splendors of eternity.

As the hymn suggests, we have been born anew, experiencing a celestial birth that grants us the opportunity to rise above the earthly realm. So why should we continue to grovel here on earth, clinging to fleeting pleasures that can never truly fulfill us? Instead, shouldn’t we direct our gaze towards the eternal joys that await us in the realms beyond?

The hymn implores us to from being beguiled by the distractions that we encounter on our journey back to God. As we navigate the twists and turns of life, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to spiritual growth. For we are merely strangers passing through this earthly existence, and death is merely a homecoming, a return to the loving embrace of our Creator.

There is an inherent longing within each of us, a yearning to be set free from the chains that bind us. And this hymn celebrates the sweet hour when our souls are finally released from the confines of earthly constraints. It is a moment of liberation, breaking through the walls of our self-imposed cells and ushering us into a realm where we can dwell with God.

To dwell with God, to feel His infinite love, is the ultimate fulfillment of our souls. It is the essence of heaven itself, where we can bask in the warmth of His divine presence. And even now, in our earthly existence, we can catch a glimpse of this celestial . The anticipation of our eternal homecoming serves as the dawn of heaven, a foretaste of the that us.

As we reflect on these profound ideas, it becomes clear that our earthly pursuits often pale in comparison to the eternal glories that lie ahead. So let us not be captivated by the allure of transitory toys, but instead fix our eyes on the true source of joy and fulfillment. Let us embrace the hope and assurance that comes from knowing we are destined for something far greater than what this world has to offer.

In conclusion, the hymn “Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime” invites us to rise above the vanities of time and set our sights on the eternal wonders of heaven. It urges us to question our attachment to temporary pleasures and recognize the inherent desire within us to dwell with God. Ultimately, it reminds us that our journey on this earth is but a stepping stone towards our true home, where we will experience the fullness of heaven’s embrace. May we heed the call of this hymn and allow our souls to soar on wings sublime, eager to embrace the glories of eternity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Glories of Eternity | Soar on Wings Sublime with Now Let Our Souls On Wings Sublime | Embrace Heaven's Joys & Dwell with God


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