I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and increase faith by calling on the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Explore the power of his word

I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

I Call On Lord Jesus Christ: Finding Comfort and Faith in Hard Times In times of trouble and uncertainty, finding solace and strength in Lord Jesus Christ becomes crucial. This beautifully captures the essence of relying on Jesus for comfort and increasing one’s faith. Through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers, we can experience the faith-building journey that this hymn portrays, knowing that Jesus is always ready to extend his help.


I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ – Hymn Lyric

I call on thee, Lord Jesus Christ,
I have none other help but thee.
My is never set at rest
till thy sweet word have comforted me.

And steadfast faith grant me therefore,
to hold by thy word ,
above all thing, never resisting
but to increase in faith more and more.


Meaning of I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ

I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ: Finding Comfort and Faith in Hard Times

In times of trouble and uncertainty, there is one name that brings solace and peace to the hearts of many – Lord Jesus Christ. Through his teachings and the power of his word, Jesus offers a helping hand to those who call on him for guidance and support. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of how turning to Jesus brings comfort and strengthens one’s faith. Let us delve deeper into this faith-building journey and explore the ways in which we can find solace and increase our faith by calling on the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

When life throws its challenges our way, it is normal to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate through difficult situations. In those moments, it is essential to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Through the hymn’s verse, the author demonstrates a deep sense of reliance on Jesus, recognizing that he is the only source of true help. Whether it be financial worries, relationship conflicts, or personal hardships, Jesus invites us to cast our anxieties upon him.

My heart is never set at rest till thy sweet word have comforted me, sings the hymn. This line speaks to the for inner peace and reassurance that only Jesus can provide. When we turn to the scriptures, we find an abundance of verses that offer comfort and hope. For example, in Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This promise provides a soothing balm to our weary , assuring us that Jesus is there to ease our burdens and grant us the peace we seek.

However, finding comfort in Jesus’ word goes beyond merely reading scripture. It requires developing a personal relationship with Jesus and actively applying his teachings in our lives. This includes not just seeking comfort in times of trouble but also leaning on Jesus on a daily basis. By immersing ourselves in his word, we gain wisdom and guidance that can help us navigate life’s ups and downs.

But how do we increase our faith and hold steadfastly to Jesus’ word? The hymn encourages us to never resist but to increase in faith more and more. One way to do this is through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate with Jesus directly. It is through prayer that we can pour out our hearts to him, express our fears, and seek his wisdom and guidance. Jesus promises in Matthew 7:7, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Prayer strengthens our faith as we the answers to our , knowing that Jesus hears and responds to our heartfelt cries.

In addition to prayer, surrounding ourselves with a community of believers can contribute to the growth of our faith. This includes attending services, joining small groups, or participating in groups or Bible studies. Being part of a faith community provides opportunities for fellowship, mutual encouragement, and learning from others who are also on their faith journey.

Furthermore, cultivating a habit of daily devotion and studying the Bible helps us deepen our understanding of Jesus’ teachings, thereby enriching our faith. Reading the scriptures regularly exposes us to the stories of God’s faithfulness throughout history, reminding us of his power and establishing our trust in him. Even a few minutes each day can make a difference in nurturing our relationship with Jesus.

As we embrace the words of this hymn and call out to Lord Jesus Christ, we invite his presence, guidance, and comfort into our lives. Through prayer, Scripture study, and fellowship, we can develop a strong faith that enables us to face life’s challenges with confidence. Rather than being overwhelmed or discouraged, we find hope in knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way.

In conclusion, the hymn “I Call On Thee Lord Jesus Christ” invites us to seek solace and increase our faith by relying on the name of Jesus. It reminds us that only through him can we find true comfort and rest. By immersing ourselves in his word, seeking him in prayer, and surrounding ourselves with a community of believers, we can experience the faith-building journey that this hymn beautifully portrays. So, let us call on the name of Lord Jesus Christ, finding comfort and increasing our faith, knowing that he is always ready to extend his helping hand to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and increase faith by calling on the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Explore the power of his word, prayer, and community in times of trouble.


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