All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate God's wonders and His love in "All Ye That Love The Lord

All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

The hymn “All Ye That Love The , Rejoice” invites believers to celebrate and express their love for God through joyful songs. It emphasizes the Lord’s favor towards the just and meek, assuring them of . The hymn also speaks of the future judgment, where believers will rule alongside Christ and participate in executing God’s justice. Overall, it encourages believers to continually praise and love the Lord for His wonders and eternal love.


All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice – Hymn Lyric

All ye that love the Lord, rejoice,
And let your songs be new;
Amidst the with cheerful voice
His later wonders show.

The Jews, the people of His grace,
Shall their sing;
And Gentile nations join the praise,
While Sion owns her King.

The Lord takes pleasure in the just,
Whom sinners treat with scorn;
The meek that lie despised in dust
Salvation shall adorn.

Saints should be joyful in their King,
E’en on a bed;
And like the souls in glory sing;
For God shall raise the dead.

Then His high praise shall fill their tongues
Their hands shall wield the sword;
And vengeance shall attend their songs,
The vengeance of the Lord.

When Christ the judgment-seat ,
And bids the appear,
Thrones are prepared for all His friends
Who humbly loved Him here.

Then shall they rule with iron rod
Nations that dared rebel;
And join the sentence of their God
On tyrants doomed to hell.

The royal sinners bound in chains
New triumphs shall afford:
Such honor for the saints remains:
Praise ye, and love the Lord!


Meaning of All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice

All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice: Celebrating God’s Wonders and His Love for His People


In this hymn, “All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice,” we find words of joy, praise, and towards our Creator. Written in a cheerful and uplifting tone, this hymn expresses the joyous celebration of God’s wonders and the love He has for His people. Let us delve into the verses of this hymn to understand more about the themes and messages within.

Verse 1: Rejoicing in God’s Wonders

“All ye that love the Lord, rejoice,

And let your songs be new;

Amidst the church with cheerful voice

His later wonders show.”

The hymn begins with a call to rejoice and sing praise to the Lord. It encourages believers to express their love for God through joyful songs. As members of the church, we are reminded to share the wonders that God has done in our lives and in the world. It is a reminder that our songs should be filled with newness, symbolizing our ever-growing love and gratitude towards Him.

Verse 2: Salvation for the Meek and Just

“The Lord takes pleasure in the just,

Whom sinners treat with scorn;

The meek that lie despised in dust

Salvation shall adorn.”

This verse highlights the Lord’s favor towards the just and meek. It emphasizes that despite the scorn and mistreatment they may face in this world, God finds pleasure in their righteousness. The hymn offers by stating that salvation shall adorn those who remain humble and to the Lord, even in the face of adversity.

Verse 3: Joy in God’s Kingdom

“Saints should be joyful in their King,

E’en on a dying bed;

And like the souls in glory sing;

For God shall raise the dead.”

The third verse reminds us that as believers, we should find joy in our eternal King, even in the face of death. It encourages us to have unwavering faith and rejoice in the knowledge that God has the power to raise the dead. This beautiful message provides comfort and hope, assuring us that death is not the end but a joyful transition into God’s everlasting kingdom.

Verse 4: The Final Judgment and Triumph

“Then His high praise shall fill their tongues

Their hands shall wield the sword;

And vengeance shall attend their songs,

The vengeance of the Lord.”

This verse speaks of a future prophecy wherein Christ will ascend to judge the world. It emphasizes that on that day, believers will not only sing praises but also participate in the judgment alongside their Lord. This depiction of believers wielding swords symbolizes their role in executing God’s justice. It speaks of the ultimate triumph over evil and the fulfillment of divine vengeance.

Verse 5: Thrones for God’s Friends

“When Christ the judgment-seat ascends,

And bids the world appear,

Thrones are prepared for all His friends

Who humbly loved Him here.”

The fifth verse describes the scene of Christ ascending to the judgment seat, where the world must give an account. It offers hope to those who have humbly loved and served the Lord, assuring them that thrones are prepared for them. This imagery conveys the message that those who remain faithful and obedient to God will be rewarded with positions of honor in His eternal kingdom.

Verse 6: Ruling with Righteousness

“Then shall they rule with iron rod

Nations that dared rebel;

And join the sentence of their God

On tyrants doomed to hell.”

In this verse, the hymn speaks of the righteous rule of believers in the future. It suggests that those who rebel against God will be ruled by the faithful, participating in the judgment and the execution of God’s justice. It underscores that tyranny and rebellion will ultimately be condemned, and the righteous will join God in passing judgment on those who oppose His divine plan.

Verse 7: Honoring the Saints

“The royal sinners bound in chains

New triumphs shall afford:

Such honor for the saints remains:

Praise ye, and love the Lord!”

In the final verse, the hymn acknowledges that even royal sinners will be bound in chains before the triumph of the saints. It reminds us that honor and triumph remain for those who have dedicated their lives to loving and serving the Lord. The hymn concludes with a call to continually praise and love the Lord for His faithfulness, grace, and the eternal rewards that await His faithful followers.


In the hymn “All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice,” we discover a rich tapestry of themes centered around rejoicing, faith, and God’s eternal love and justice. It encourages believers to celebrate God’s wonders, find joy in His salvation, and maintain unwavering faith in His promises. Through its vivid imagery and messages, this hymn reminds us of the hope that lies within our loving Creator while encouraging us to continuously praise and love Him. May our voices join together, expressing our gratitude for His divine wonders and the everlasting love He showers upon us all.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate God's wonders and His love in All Ye That Love The Lord, Rejoice. Find joy, salvation, and hope in this uplifting hymn. Praise and love the Lord!


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