Hide Away With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

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Hide Away With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Are you seeking a place of refuge? Look no further! There is a special place where you can be completely hidden away with Jesus, finding and solace in His loving embrace. Discover the and blessings of being in His presence through the beautiful hymn titled “Hide Away With Jesus”.


Hide Away With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’m hid away with in God,
Yes, hid away with Jesus;
I’m now beneath the dripping blood,
I’m hid away with Jesus.

I’m walking with my blessed Lord,
I’m trusting in His precious word,
I find His service is not hard,
I’m hid away with Jesus.

I’m hid away, yes, hid away,
I’m hid with Christ in God;
I’m dead to sin, alive in Christ,
I’m washed in His blood.

The narrow way is now so plain,
I’m hid away with Jesus;
That fools shall never err therein,
I’m hid away with Jesus.

The that’s strait is just before,
Which when we reach we’ll sigh no more,
Our then will all be o’er,
I’m hid away with Jesus.

Oh, brother , to keep good ,
Be hid away with Jesus;
For then you’ll find your near,
Keep hid away with Jesus.

We’re basking now in ‘s light,
By faith and prayer our way shines bright,
We get so near that heav’n’s in sight,
When hid away with Jesus.

Oh, sinner turn to God and live,
Be hid away with Jesus;
A crown of life to you He’ll give,
When hid away with Jesus.

Repent, believe, and love Him too,
For He has done so much for you,
He’ll wash and cleanse you through and through,
Be hid away with Jesus.


Meaning of Hide Away With Jesus

Are you looking for a place of refuge, a safe haven where you can find peace and comfort? Well, look no further because I have some wonderful news for you! There is a special place where you can be totally hidden away with the one and only Jesus Christ. How amazing is that? Let me share with you the beautiful hymn titled “Hide Away With Jesus”, which will give us some insight into the joy and blessings of being in His presence.

In the first verse of this hymn, we are reminded that when we are hidden away with Jesus, we are actually hidden away with God Himself. Just think about that for a moment – being in the presence of the Almighty, the creator of the universe! It’s like having a VIP pass to the most exclusive and awe-inspiring event ever. This is a place where we can find solace and refuge from the troubles of the world. We are no longer alone, but rather surrounded by the love and protection of our Savior.

The hymn goes on to say that being with Jesus is not a burdensome task, but rather a joyous and fulfilling journey. We don’t have to struggle and strive to please Him because He has already taken care of everything for us. His precious word guides us along the narrow way, showing us the path of . And guess what? It’s not just for the wise and learned, but for anyone who seeks to walk with Him. We are all invited to follow Jesus and experience the peace and contentment that comes from being hid away with Him.

Imagine a gate that leads to eternal bliss, where there is no more pain, sadness, or suffering. This gate is just before us, waiting for us to reach it. And when we do, all our sorrows will fade away, and we will experience everlasting joy. Don’t you want to be a part of that? Don’t you want to leave behind the troubles of this world and enter into the glorious presence of Jesus?

Oh, my dear friend, I implore you to keep good cheer and find solace in being hid away with Jesus. He is always near, ready to lend a helping hand and offer His love and guidance. When we bask in the light of heaven, we can find peace in the midst of chaos. By placing our faith in Jesus and seeking Him in prayer, our path will shine brighter than ever before. We will be so close to heaven that its beauty and splendor will be within our sights, giving us hope and assurance for a better future.

To those who haven’t yet accepted Jesus into their hearts, I urge you to turn to God and live. There is a crown of life awaiting you when you are hid away with Jesus. He offers forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life to all who repent, believe, and love Him. His sacrifice on the cross has paid the price for our sins, and through Him, we can experience true freedom. Allow Jesus to wash and cleanse you through and through, transforming your life from the inside out.

So, my dear friend, in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations, remember the hymn “Hide Away With Jesus”. It is a reminder of the incredible blessings and joy that come from being in His presence. Take comfort in knowing that you can be hidden away with Jesus, finding strength and peace in His loving embrace. And if you haven’t already, make the decision to follow Him, to turn to Him, and experience the abundant life that only He can provide.

Remember, being hid away with Jesus means being hidden away with God Himself. It means walking with your blessed Lord, trusting in His precious word, and finding that His service is not hard. It means having the narrow way made plain before you, so that you will never stumble or go astray. It means keeping good cheer, knowing that your Savior is near. It means turning to God and living, embracing the crown of life that He offers.

So my friend, don’t hesitate any longer. Take hold of this incredible invitation and hide away with Jesus. Experience the love, peace, and joy that can only be found in His presence. It’s time to embark on a journey like no other – a journey that will lead you to eternal life and everlasting happiness. May you find solace, hope, and strength in being hid away with Jesus.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace, comfort, and refuge in being hid away with Jesus. Experience the joy and blessings of walking with Him on this incredible journey. Turn to God, embrace His love, and discover the crown of life He offers.


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