O Let Us Love Our Brothers – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the Power of Brotherly Love: O Let Us Love Our Brothers. Discover the impact of love in our lives and the importance of treating all fellow human beings as brothers and sisters

O Let Us Love Our Brothers – Hymn Lyric

O Let Us Our Brothers Explore the power of brotherly love in this engaging hymn that reminds us of the importance of treating all fellow human beings as brothers and sisters. Through forgiveness, blessings, and support, we can create a more loving and united , guided by the zeal of Christian love. Together, let us let brotherly love continue, always and forever.


O Let Us Love Our Brothers – Hymn Lyric

Oh, let us love our brothers
With the zeal of Christian love,
Thus to keep this holy precept
That is given from above,-

Let brotherly love continue,
Brotherly love, brotherly love,
Let brotherly love continue

Whene’er a brother wrongs us
We must love him just the same,
And in love forgive and bless him
In the ‘s loving name:


And as we help each other,
In the time of want and need,
Let the Saviour’s love and spirit
Be in ev’ry word and deed:


Then let us walk as brothers,
To the better above,
Still abiding and rejoicing
In the brotherhood of love.


Meaning of O Let Us Love Our Brothers

O Let Us Love Our Brothers: Embracing the Power of Brotherly Love

In a world that often seems filled with division and strife, it is essential for us to remember the importance of brotherly love. This hymn reminds us of the powerful impact that love can have in our lives and encourages us to let brotherly love continue, always and forever.

When we say “brotherly love,” we don’t mean just our biological brothers. Of course, it includes our siblings, but it goes beyond that. It refers to the love we have for all our fellow human beings, treating them as brothers and sisters, regardless of their differences. This love is not just any love; it is the love that stems from our Christian faith, the type of love that comes from above.

Imagine a world where everyone each other with the zeal of Christian love! It would be a world filled with compassion, kindness, and understanding. Our actions and words would be guided by this love, leading us to treat others with respect and dignity. It seems like a utopia, doesn’t it? But it all starts with each one of us, embracing brotherly love and letting it continue in our lives.

Now, loving our brothers doesn’t mean we ignore or condone their wrongdoings. We understand that sometimes, our brothers may hurt us or do something wrong. However, the hymn reminds us to love them just the same. This doesn’t mean we pretend that the hurt doesn’t exist or that we let them continue to hurt us. Instead, it means that we approach the situation with love and forgiveness. We choose to bless them and forgive them, just as our Savior would want us to do.

It’s not always easy to love those who have wronged us, but it is essential for our own well-being and the well-being of our relationships. Holding onto grudges and harboring negative feelings only weighs us down and prevents us from experiencing the and that comes from true brotherly love. So, let us not hold on to anger or resentment, but let us choose to love and forgive, just as we have been loved and forgiven.

But brotherly love goes beyond forgiving and blessing one another. It also calls us to help and support each other in times of want and need. The hymn encourages us to let the love and spirit of our Savior be manifest in every word and deed as we extend a helping hand to those who are struggling. When we care for one another and offer our assistance, we not only provide practical help, but we also communicate to our brothers and sisters that they are not alone. We are all in this together, bound by the beautiful ties of love and compassion.

As we strive to walk as brothers, let us not forget that our ultimate goal is the better home above. This world is only temporary, and the challenges and divisions we face here will one day fade away. But the love we cultivate and share with our brothers will endure. So, let us abide in this love, let us rejoice in it, and let it guide our path towards that better home above.

In conclusion, brotherly love is a powerful force that has the potential to transform our lives and our world. We are called to embrace this love, to let it continue in our daily interactions, and to extend it to all our brothers and sisters. Let us love our brothers with the zeal of Christian love, forgiving, blessing, and supporting one another. By doing so, we will not only experience the joy and peace that comes from brotherly love, but we will also pave the way for a more loving and united world. So, let brotherly love continue, evermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the Power of Brotherly Love: O Let Us Love Our Brothers. Discover the impact of love in our lives and the importance of treating all fellow human beings as brothers and sisters, guided by Christian love. Let brotherly love continue, evermore.


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