Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the immense love and sacrifice of Lord Jesus - My Savior. Immerse yourself in His boundless love and forgiveness. Experience His eternal glory and the joy of His redeeming sacrifice." (160 characters)

Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn titled “ Jesus My How Vast Love To Me,” we are reminded of the boundless love Jesus has for each and every one of us. The song beautifully captures the immense love and sacrifice Jesus has shown to us, reminding us that no matter our past mistakes or sins, Jesus’ death on the cross covers them all. It is a reminder of the incredible gift of love that Jesus has bestowed upon us and inspires us to share His love with the world around us.


Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me – Hymn Lyric

Lord Jesus! my Savior! how vast
Thy love to me;
I’ll bathe in its full ocean
to all ,
And wending on to
this all my song shall be:
“I was a guilty sinner,
but Jesus died for me.”

O Calv’ry! O Calv’ry;
the thorn-crown and the spear
There doth Thy love, Lord Jesus,
in bleeding wounds appear;
Oh, depths of grace and mercy,
to those dear wounds I flee;
“I was a guilty sinner,
but Jesus died for me.”

Adore Him, adore Him,
the glorious work is done;
And now He’ll not condemn me,
’twas laid upon His Son;
‘Tis finished cried the Savior,
and I my title see;
“I was a guilty sinner,
but Jesus died for me.”

In glory, in glory,
“forever with the Lord,”
I’ll tune my harp with others,
and with sweet accord;
And as we praise together,
this all my song shall be:
“I was a guilty sinner,
but Jesus died for me.”


Meaning of Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me

Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me

Have you ever stopped and thought about the immense love and sacrifice Jesus has shown to us? It’s truly awe-inspiring! In the hymn titled “Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me,” we are reminded of the boundless love Jesus has for each and every one of us.

The song opens with the captivating words, “Lord Jesus! my Savior! how vast Thy love to me.” Just think about that for a moment. The love Jesus has for us is immeasurable; it knows no bounds. It’s like an ocean that goes on forever. Like a person joyfully diving into a refreshing and expansive ocean, we can immerse ourselves in Jesus’ love for all eternity.

As we continue singing, we are reminded of Calvary, the place where Jesus was crucified. The hymn says, “O Calv’ry! O Calv’ry; the thorn-crown and the spear, There doth Thy love, Lord Jesus, in bleeding wounds appear.” Can you imagine the love it takes for someone to willingly endure such pain and suffering for our sake? Jesus’ love shines through His wounded body, reminding us of the depths of His grace and mercy.

In the lyrics, we find comfort that we can run to Jesus’ wounds for refuge. We can find forgiveness and salvation in His sacrifice. The hymn tells us, “Oh, depths of grace and mercy, to those dear wounds I flee; ‘I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus died for me.'” No matter our past mistakes or sins, Jesus’ death on the cross covers them all. It’s like a clean slate. We are no longer defined by our guilt; we are defined by His love and sacrifice.

As the hymn progresses, our hearts fill with gratitude and adoration. We are reminded that Jesus’ work is finished; the price for our sins has been paid in full. The lyrics tell us, “Adore Him, adore Him, the glorious work is done; And now He’ll not condemn me, ’twas laid upon His Son.” We can stand before God without fear of condemnation, knowing that Jesus took our punishment upon Himself. Our sins have been forgiven, and we are washed clean by His blood.

Imagine being able to sing this hymn alongside countless others in glory. The song highlights the hope and joy we will experience in eternity. It says, “In glory, in glory, ‘forever with the Lord,’ I’ll tune my harp with others, and sing with sweet accord.” This beautiful imagery allows us to envision a chorus, filled with voices praising God together. We will be united in our gratitude and love for Jesus, singing with a perfect harmony that only comes from being in His presence.

With every gathering in , we will affirm the profound truth expressed in the lyrics: “I was a guilty sinner, but Jesus died for me.” This statement encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ sacrifice and the impact it has on our lives. It reminds us that we were once lost but are now found, once condemned but now redeemed. Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate demonstration of His love for us, and it is a love that will resonate throughout eternity.

So, my dear friends, let us not forget the immense love Jesus has for each and every one of us. Let us take the time to reflect on the sacrifice He made and the forgiveness He offers. When we sing the hymn “Lord Jesus My Savior How Vast Thy Love To Me,” may it be a reminder of the incredible gift of love that Jesus has bestowed upon us. And as we go about our lives, may the truth expressed in these lyrics bring us comfort, joy, and inspire us to share His love with the world around us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the immense love and sacrifice of Lord Jesus - My Savior. Immerse yourself in His boundless love and forgiveness. Experience His eternal glory and the joy of His redeeming sacrifice. (160 characters)


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