My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care – Hymn Lyric

Discover hope and renewal in the face of life's burdens. Find solace and guidance in God's promises. Seek His restoration and protection. Walk in His righteous ways for joy and fulfillment. A journey of faith towards success. My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care.

My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care – Hymn Lyric

In the face of life’s burdens, this hymn offers hope and renewal. By turning to the Lord and seeking guidance in His just laws, we can find solace and strength. Let us distance ourselves from falsehood and walk in , trusting in God’s protection and finding joy in His presence.


My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care – Hymn Lyric

My soul, oppressed with deadly care,
Close to the dust does cleave;
Revive me, Lord, and let me now
promised aid receive.

To thee I still declared my ways,
And inclin’st thine ear;
O teach me then my future life
By thy just laws to steer.

If thou wilt make me know thy laws,
And by their guidance walk,
The wondrous works which thou hast done
Shall be my constant talk.

But see, my soul within me sinks,
Pressed down with weighty care;
Do thou, according to thy word,
My wasted strength repair.

Far, far from me be all false ways
And lying arts removed;
But kindly grant I still may keep
The path by thee approved.

Thy faithful ways, thou God of truth,
My happy choice I’ve made;
Thy judgments, as my rule of life,
Before me always laid.

My care has been to make my life
With thy commands agree;
O then preserve thy servant, Lord,
From shame and ruin free.

So in the way of thy commands
Shall I with pleasure run,
And, with a heart enlarged with joy,
Successfully go on.


Meaning of My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care

My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care: Finding Hope and Renewal

In the face of life’s trials and burdens, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, as if our souls are being weighed down by a heavy load. But fear not, for there is always hope and a way to find solace. This timeless hymn reminds us to turn to the Lord for comfort and guidance, knowing that His promises are true and His aid is readily available.

As we navigate through the ups and downs of life, it is important to remember that God is there to listen to us. Just as the psalmist declared their ways before the Lord, pouring out their heart’s desires and concerns, we too can find solace in sharing our worries and joys with Him. He inclines His ear to us, to listen and guide us in our journey.

But how do we ensure that our future is aligned with God’s plan for us? The answer lies within His just laws. By seeking a deeper understanding of His commandments, we can find the wisdom and strength to lead a purposeful life. It is through His laws that we gain insight into His wondrous works, which become a testament to His faithfulness and . Let us proclaim His goodness and share the stories of His miraculous deeds with others, spreading the message of His power and .

Yet, there are moments when we may feel our souls sinking, weighed down by the burdens of life. It is during these times that we can turn to God and His word for renewal. Just as the psalmist pleads, “revive me, Lord,” we too can ask for His restoration. With weary hearts, we can ask God to strengthen us, to breathe life back into our depleted spirits. We can trust that He will come to our aid and uplift us from the dust of despair.

In seeking God’s revival, we must also strive to distance ourselves from falsehood and deceit. Let us walk from all forms of dishonesty and falsehood, for they only lead to destruction. Instead, may we always choose the path approved by God, one that is filled with righteousness and truth. By aligning our ways with His, we can experience the freedom and that comes from walking in His .

Choosing to follow God’s faithful ways is a conscious decision, a commitment to making His word our guide. When we choose to live our lives according to His commands, we make a happy choice, one that brings us closer to Him and aligns our actions with His perfect will. By allowing His judgments to shape our choices, we become vessels of His love and goodness in the .

As we strive to live in harmony with God’s will, we ask for His protection and preservation. We implore Him to shield us from shame and ruin, knowing that through His grace and mercy, we can stand strong in the face of adversity. With His presence by our side, we can face life’s challenges with courage and resilience, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

The journey of faith is not without its trials, but when we choose to walk in the way of God’s commands, we can experience joy and pleasure. Following His path brings us a sense of purpose and fulfillment, as we witness the fruits of our obedience. With each step we take, our hearts are filled with joy, and we are empowered to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

In conclusion, when our souls feel oppressed with deadly care, we can find solace and renewal in God’s promises. By declaring our ways before Him and seeking guidance in His just laws, we can navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and hope. As we distance ourselves from falsehood and cling to the path of righteousness, we experience the freedom and peace that come from walking in God’s light. May we always choose to make our lives align with His commands, trusting that He will protect and preserve us. As we do so, we can run the race of life with pleasure and joy, knowing that with God by our side, we are destined for success.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover hope and renewal in the face of life's burdens. Find solace and guidance in God's promises. Seek His restoration and protection. Walk in His righteous ways for joy and fulfillment. A journey of faith towards success. My Soul Oppressed With Deadly Care.


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