I Am Going Back To Jesus Though I’ve Wandered Aways – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of going back to Jesus

I Am Going Back To Jesus Though I’ve Wandered Aways – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever felt like you’ve wandered away from the path of goodness? Like you’ve made mistakes and strayed from what you know is right? It happens to all of us at some point or another. But the beautiful thing is, no matter how far we’ve gone, we always have the chance to back. Just like the hymn says, “I am going back to Jesus, though I’ve wandered far away.”


I Am Going Back To Jesus Though I’ve Wandered Aways – Hymn Lyric

I am going back to Jesus,
Tho’ I’ve wandered far away,
And upon His tender mercy,
I will cast myself today.

I am going back to Jesus,
Weak and sinful tho’ I be,
I’ll accept His invitation,
From my to set me free.

I am going back to Jesus,
I am knocking at the ,
I am sure that He will greet me
As he oft has done before.


I am going back to Jesus,
Tho’ I know I’m full of ,
Yet with loving invitation,
He will bid me enter in.


I am going back to Jesus,
With a load of care oppressed,
But He’ll soothe my troubled spirit,
And will give me peace and rest.


Meaning of I Am Going Back To Jesus Though I’ve Wandered Aways

Have you ever felt like you’ve wandered away from the path of goodness? Like you’ve made mistakes and strayed from what you know is right? It happens to all of us at some point or another. But the beautiful thing is, no matter how far we’ve gone, we always have the chance to come back. Just like the hymn says, “I am going back to Jesus, though I’ve wandered far away.”

Sometimes in life, we make choices that we later regret. We may have hurt others, broken promises, or simply lost sight of who we truly are. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness and distractions of the , but deep down, we know that those things won’t bring us true happiness or fulfillment. That’s why the idea of going back to Jesus is so powerful.

When we go back to Jesus, we are acknowledging that we need help. We are accepting His invitation to come to Him with all of our weaknesses and sins. And the amazing thing is, He is always ready and willing to welcome us back with open arms. He doesn’t hold our mistakes against us or judge us for our past actions. Instead, He offers us forgiveness and the chance to start anew.

And that’s not all. When we go back to Jesus, we are not only asking for forgiveness, but also for His guidance and . We’re saying, “I may be weak and sinful, but I trust in Your mercy to set me free.” It’s like knocking on a door and knowing that on the other side awaits someone who knows all your faults and flaws, yet you unconditionally. Jesus has shown us time and time again that He is quick to greet us and embrace us in His loving arms.

Now, going back to Jesus doesn’t mean that all of our troubles will magically disappear. We may still carry the weight of our past mistakes and the burdens of life. But the hymn reminds us that Jesus will soothe our troubled spirits and give us peace and rest. He will be there to comfort us and guide us through the storms of life. And in His presence, we can find the strength to face our challenges and become better versions of ourselves.

So, how can we go back to Jesus? It starts with acknowledging our need for Him. We have to recognize that we’re not perfect and that we can’t do it all on our own. It’s humbling, but it’s also liberating. Once we’ve admitted our need for Jesus, we can turn to Him in prayer. We can pour out our hearts to Him, our sins, and ask for His forgiveness. And when we do, we can trust that He will hear us and respond with love and mercy.

But going back to Jesus doesn’t end with a one-time confession. It’s an ongoing journey of growth and transformation. It means committing ourselves to follow His teachings and live in a way that honors Him. It means seeking His guidance in all areas of our lives and striving to become more like Him every day.

So, my dear , if you find yourself feeling lost or distant from Jesus, remember that it’s never too late to turn back to Him. No matter how far you’ve wandered or how many mistakes you’ve made, He is waiting for you with open arms. Take comfort in the words of this hymn and know that going back to Jesus is the first step towards finding true peace, forgiveness, and joy.

I encourage you to take that step today. Open your heart to Jesus, accept His invitation, and let Him guide you back to the path of goodness and love. You are worthy of His mercy, and He longs to set you free. Trust in His love, and you will never be disappointed.

Remember, my friend, you are not alone on this journey. There are others who have also wandered away but have found their way back to Jesus. Together, let’s embrace this opportunity for renewal and join hands as we walk beside each other towards a brighter future. Let’s rejoice in the fact that we can say, “I am going back to Jesus, though I’ve wandered far away.”


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of going back to Jesus, even when you feel lost and filled with sin. Embrace His forgiveness, guidance, and love for a brighter future.


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