I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin – Hymn Lyric

Letting go of idols behind the door is crucial for a clean heart and experiencing blessings. Reflect on your own idols and embark on a journey of surrender to Jesus.

I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin – Hymn Lyric

Letting Go of Idols Behind the Door: The “I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With ” offers a powerful lesson about the importance of letting go of the idols that hold us back from experiencing the blessings of a clean heart. It reminds us that idols can take many forms, from material possessions to unhealthy habits, and urges us to reflect on the things that hinder our relationship with God. By acknowledging and removing these idols, we can find true forgiveness and a fresh start.


I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin – Hymn Lyric

I came to Jesus long ago,
All laden down with sin,
I sought Him long for pardoning ;
He would not take me in.

At last I found the reason why
As light came more and more;
I had a shelf with idols on
Just in behind the door.

That shelf behind the door-
Don’t use it any more;
But quickly clean that corner out
From ceiling to the floor;
For Jesus wants His temple clean,
He cannot you more,
Unless you take those idols out
From in behind the door.

I tore it down and threw it out,
And then the blessing came;
But e’er I got the victory
And felt the holy flame,

Beelzebub came rushing up
And said with awful roar,
You cannot live without a shelf
Right here behind the door.


So many people of today
Are destitute of power;
‘Tis plain to see they cannot stand
Temptation’s trying hour.

By way of an apology
My weakness is their cry;
‘Tis all because of idols they
Are using on the sly.


Some smoke and chew tobacco, and
Some love their fancy dress;
Others have wronged their fellow men,
Refusing to confess.

They wonder why they are not blest
As in the days of yore;
The reason why is on the shelf
Just in behind the door.


That little shelf behind the door
Will cause you much distress;
Especially about the time
You think of being blest.

While for the victory
Before the Lord in ,
How many times you think about
The idols hidden there.


Your is dark, you surely
You have no peace with God;
You daily tremble lest you feel
The chastening of His rod.

The blessed Holy Spirit puts
This question o’er and o’er:
What are you going to do about
This shelf behind the door?


You need not go to foreign lands
To find a household god,
To look upon idolatry
You need not go a rod,

But in this land where Gospel light
Is shining all around,
If you should look behind the door
An idol could be found.


Some hypocrites may look like saints-
From men their idols hide;
But what about the judgment day
Beyond death’s fearful tide?

That hidden spot behind the door
Will be a public place
Where God and men and angels, too,
Shall every idol trace.


Meaning of I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin

I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin: Letting Go of Idols Behind the Door

Have you ever felt burdened by your mistakes and sins? Have you ever longed for forgiveness and a fresh start? Well, I have too. The hymn “I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin” speaks directly to this feeling and offers us a powerful lesson about the importance of letting go of the idols that hold us back from experiencing the blessings of a clean heart.

The hymn begins with the narrator describing their initial encounter with Jesus. They sought Him desperately, yearning for His pardoning grace, but were left feeling rejected and abandoned. It wasn’t until later that they discovered the reason behind this.

As the light shone brighter, they realized that they had a shelf filled with idols – objects or desires that they elevated above their relationship with God. These idols were hidden away behind the door, tucked out of sight from anyone, including Jesus. The narrator realized that in order to truly embrace the blessings that Jesus had in store for them, they needed to remove the idols from their lives.

Now, you might be wondering what these idols could be. The hymn mentions a variety of examples, such as smoking, chewing tobacco, obsessing over fancy dress, and refusing to confess wrongdoings. These may not be idols that resonate with you personally, but the overarching message is clear – anything that takes precedence over our relationship with God can become an idol.

We live in a world where distractions and temptations are abundant. It’s easy to get caught up in things that bring us temporary pleasure but ultimately hinder our spiritual growth. Think about it – what are the idols in your life? Is it excessive screen time, a preoccupation with social media, or maybe even material possessions? Take a moment to reflect on these things and consider whether they are hindering your relationship with God.

The hymn warns us that these idols can cause distress and prevent us from experiencing the blessings we so desperately seek. They sap us of our power, leaving us vulnerable to temptation’s grasp. We may find ourselves wondering why we aren’t as blessed as we once were or why we lack peace and contentment in our lives. The hymn makes it clear that these questions can be answered by looking at the hidden idols behind the door.

The lyrics also remind us that idols are not limited to objects or habits. They can also take the form of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and a refusal to acknowledge our wrongdoing. We must remember that while these idols may remain hidden from the world, they are not hidden from God. On the day of judgment, every idol will be brought to light and our true selves will be revealed.

So, what can we do about this? How can we rid ourselves of these idols and experience the freedom and peace that comes from letting go? First and foremost, we must acknowledge that there are idols in our lives. It’s not easy to admit our shortcomings and weaknesses, but it is a necessary step on the journey to a clean heart.

Once we are aware of our idols, we must take action. We must tear down the shelves, both figuratively and literally if necessary. We must remove the distractions and temptations that hinder us from fully embracing a relationship with God. It may be a challenging process, and we may face resistance from the enemies of our soul, but with God’s help, victory is possible.

You may think that idols only exist in far-off lands or in the lives of others, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Each and every one of us has the potential for idolatry. We must not be deceived by our own outward appearances or the façades that others present. Instead, we must look within ourselves and examine the corners of our own hearts.

In conclusion, “I Came To Jesus Long Ago All Laden Down With Sin” serves as a powerful reminder to let go of the idols that hinder our relationship with God. Whether they be physical objects, unhealthy habits, or even hidden sins, these idols prevent us from experiencing the true blessings and joy that come from a clean heart. Let us take the words of this hymn to heart and embark on a journey of self-reflection and surrender, knowing that only then can we fully embrace the love and grace of our Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Letting go of idols behind the door is crucial for a clean heart and experiencing blessings. Reflect on your own idols and embark on a journey of surrender to Jesus.


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