The Faith That Saves The Soul – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true meaning of faith and how it's shown through love. Explore the importance of being an active worker for God and find inspiration in the example of Jesus. Embrace a faith that goes beyond words and makes a positive impact in the world.

The Faith That Saves The Soul – Hymn Lyric

In the “The That Saves The ,” the message is clear: true faith is not just a belief, but it is also shown through love. This means that faith needs to be active, like a work in progress. It should be seen in our everyday actions, especially in how we love others. By following the example of , we can be dedicated and grateful workers, knowing that our work is blessed. So let’s embrace this message and strive to have a faith that is not just seen through our words, but also through our love and actions.


The Faith That Saves The Soul – Hymn Lyric

The faith that saves the soul
Is faith that works by love;
Let faith and love thy work control,
And thy salvation prove.

Thy Saviour work’d for thee,
With often weary brow;
His willing, constant worker be,
For Him to labour now.

The labourers are few
Who toil amid the heat,
Unto their toiling Master true,
And learning at His feet.

Work with a grateful heart:
Work while the millions play:
the bright hours of depart,
And night shall follow day.

Work! Work for Him is blest;
Work as a favoured son;
Work till He gives thee rest,
And His own sweet “Well done!”


Meaning of The Faith That Saves The Soul

Have you ever wondered what it means to have faith? Have you ever thought about how important it is to show love through your actions? Well, in the hymn “The Faith That Saves The Soul,” the message is clear: true faith is not just a belief, but it is also shown through love. Let’s dig deeper into these ideas and explore how they can impact our lives.

Firstly, let’s talk about faith. What exactly is faith? Faith is more than just agreeing in your mind that something is true. It goes beyond words and thoughts. It is a deep trust and confidence in something or someone. In this hymn, it says that the faith that saves the soul is the faith that works by love. This means that faith needs to be active, like a work in progress. It should be seen in our everyday actions, especially in how we love others.

Think about it this way: imagine you have a good friend who always promises to do things for you but never follows through. Would you really have faith in that friend? Probably not. In the same way, our faith should be visible through our love for others. It’s not enough to say we love someone; we must back it up with our actions. This could mean being kind, helpful, or showing empathy to those around us.

Now, let’s turn our attention to the example of Jesus. This hymn reminds us that Jesus worked tirelessly for us. He had a mission and was dedicated to fulfilling it. He didn’t just talk about love; he demonstrated it through his actions. Jesus taught us to love our neighbors, care for the needy, and forgive those who wrong us. He showed us that love is an active force that can bring about positive change in the world.

So, how can we apply these ideas in our own lives? Well, the hymn encourages us to be like Jesus and become willing and constant workers for Him. It reminds us that we are called to toil amid the heat, just like the few laborers who are true to their master’s work. This means that we shouldn’t be afraid of hard work or shy away from opportunities to serve others.

Additionally, the hymn encourages us to work with a grateful heart. Often, we take things for granted and forget to appreciate the blessings we have. But if we approach our work with gratitude, it can transform our attitudes and make us more joyful. Instead of viewing work as a burden, we can see it as an opportunity to make a positive impact and .

It’s important to remember that we should work while others play. This doesn’t mean we can never have fun or rest. Rather, it reminds us that there are times when we need to prioritize our responsibilities and fulfill our obligations. By doing so, we can make the most of the time we have and avoid regret later on.

As we work, we can find comfort in knowing that our work is blessed. When we work as favored sons and daughters of God, He will guide and support us. We are not alone in our efforts, and we can trust that God will give us heavenly rest and reward us with His sweet “Well done!” at the end.

In conclusion, the hymn “The Faith That Saves The Soul” reminds us that faith is not just a belief; it is also displayed through love. We are encouraged to be active in our faith, working for the betterment of others and glorifying God. By following the example of Jesus, we can be dedicated and grateful workers, knowing that our work is blessed. So let’s embrace this message and strive to have a faith that is not just seen through our words, but also through our love and actions.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the true meaning of faith and how it's shown through love. Explore the importance of being an active worker for God and find inspiration in the example of Jesus. Embrace a faith that goes beyond words and makes a positive impact in the world.


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