Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be – Hymn Lyric

Discover the heartfelt desire to be where Jesus dwells

Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever thought about where you want to be? Maybe it’s on a beautiful beach, soaking up the sun, or exploring a bustling city filled with exciting adventures. But have you ever considered where Jesus dwells and where you want to be? In this hymn, “Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be,” it beautifully describes the desire to be in the presence of Jesus. It paints a picture of a home beyond life’s sea, where we long to be with our Lord. Just imagine, crossing over the angry tide and finding refuge in the arms of Jesus, who walks upon the rolling waves. He is there to save our sinking souls and guide us to that happy shore. The hymn reminds us of the eternal we have in Jesus. It encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, knowing that He is the , the truth, and the life. It reminds us that no matter how difficult the journey may seem at times, we have a Savior who walks with us, holds out His hand, and carries us over the troubled waters. Let us hold on to this desire, knowing that one day, we will stand by His side and receive our crowns from His own hand.


Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be – Hymn Lyric

Where Jesus dwells I want to be,
In that bright home beyond life’s sea;
I’m crossing o’er the angry tide,
Where with my Lord I shall abide.

He walks upon the rolling wave;
My sinking He comes to save;
With hand held out He bears me o’er,
And guides me to that happy shore.

Where Jesus dwells I want to be,
In that Eden home beyond life’s sea;
There by His side redeemed I’ll stand,
And receive my crown from His own hand.

Where Jesus dwells I want to go,
Where living streams shall ever flow,
I want to see Him first of all,
Who sav’d me when I heard His call;

When mercy’s door had open’d wide,
I plung’d beneath the crimson tide;
My guilty stains are wash’d away,
My night of sin has turn’d to day. [Refrain]

Where Jesus dwells I want to be,
On Eden’s plains He waits for me;
No eye hath seen nor ear hath heard
The joys that wait me from my Lord.

“Thy kingdom come,” I’ll ever ,
His blessed will I shall obey;
I soon shall reach the other shore,
And sing His praise for evermore. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be

Have you ever thought about where you want to be? Maybe it’s on a beautiful beach, soaking up the sun, or exploring a bustling city filled with exciting adventures. But have you ever considered where Jesus dwells and where you want to be?

In this hymn, “Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be,” it beautifully describes the desire to be in the presence of Jesus. It paints a picture of a bright home beyond life’s sea, where we long to be with our Lord. Just imagine, crossing over the angry tide and finding refuge in the arms of Jesus, who walks upon the rolling waves. He is there to save our sinking souls and guide us to that happy shore.

In the refrain, it reminds us that we want to be where Jesus dwells – in that Eden home beyond life’s sea. It is a place where living streams flow endlessly, bringing forth eternal life. And most importantly, it is a place where we will stand by His side, redeemed and loved, as we receive our crowns from His own hand.

The verses of this hymn highlight the journey we take to reach that sacred place. It speaks of the moment when we first hear Jesus’ call and are saved by His . In that moment, we willingly plunge beneath the crimson tide, symbolizing the washing away of our guilty stains. It is a transformative experience where our night of sin turns into day, filled with the light of His love and forgiveness.

As we continue to sing, it becomes clear that reaching the place where Jesus dwells is not just a wish but a deep-rooted longing within our hearts. We yearn to be in His presence, to walk on Eden’s plains with Him. It is a place where no eye has seen, no ear has heard the unimaginable joys that await us from our Lord.

With this desire in our hearts, we learn to pray, “Thy kingdom come,” knowing that His blessed will is worthy of our obedience. And as we follow His , we know that we will soon reach the other shore, the place we have dreamed of, where we will forever sing His praise.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on these beautiful words. The hymn reminds us of the eternal hope we have in Jesus. It encourages us to remember that beyond all the earthly desires and dreams, there is a greater longing – to be where Jesus dwells.

In this hymn, we find comfort and reassurance that our journey has meaning and purpose. It encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, knowing that He is the way, the truth, and the life. It reminds us that no matter how difficult the journey may seem at times, we have a Savior who walks with us, holds out His hand, and carries us over the troubled waters.

So, dear , let us hold on to this desire – to be where Jesus dwells. Let us daily seek His presence, His love, and His grace. And as we do so, may we find , , and the fulfillment of our hearts’ deepest longing.

In conclusion, “Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be” is a beautiful hymn that speaks to our longing to be in the presence of Jesus. It paints a picture of a bright home beyond life’s sea, where we can find refuge, love, and eternal joy. May these words encourage us to keep our hearts focused on Jesus and to strive to be where He dwells. Let us hold on to this desire, knowing that one day, we will stand by His side and receive our crowns from His own hand.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the heartfelt desire to be where Jesus dwells, described in the beautiful hymn Where Jesus Dwells I Want To Be. Explore the journey, the longing, and the eternal hope found in His presence.


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