Jealous And With Love Oerflowing – Hymn Lyric

Experience the transforming power of God's jealous and loving nature in the hymn "Jealous and With Love O'erflowing." Discover how His love softens cares

Jealous And With Love Oerflowing – Hymn Lyric

“Jealous and with love overflowing” reminds us of God’s demanding yet loving nature. Despite the challenges we face, God’s perfect love has the power to transform our sorrows into joy. Through trials and pleasures, God’s sovereign love determines our growth and devotion.


Jealous And With Love Oerflowing – Hymn Lyric

Jealous, and with love o’erflowing,
God demands a fervent heart;
and bounty still bestowing,
Calls us to a grateful part.

Oh, then, with supreme affection
His paternal will regard!
If it cost us some dejection,
Every sigh has its reward.

Perfect love has power to soften
Cares that might our destroy,
Nay, does more-transforms them often,
Changing into joy.

Sovereign Love appoints the measure,
And the number of our pains;
And is pleased when we find pleasure
In the trials he ordains.


Meaning of Jealous And With Love Oerflowing

In our “Jealous and With Love O’erflowing,” we are reminded of God’s demanding yet loving nature. God desires our hearts to be fervent and filled with for the grace and blessings He continuously upon us. Despite the challenges we may face, God’s perfect love has the power to soften our cares and transform our sorrows into joy. Through both trials and pleasures, God’s sovereign love determines the measure and number of our pains, ultimately seeking our growth and devotion.

God’s love for us is described as jealous. Now, before you of jealousy in a negative light, let me explain. Jealousy in this context means that God wants our attention and affection solely focused on Him. He wants to be our number one priority, and His jealousy is rooted in a deep and pure love for us. Just like someone in a close relationship might feel jealous if their partner’s attention and love is being divided, God desires our complete devotion and love.

But don’t worry, God’s love isn’t a restrictive love that keeps us from experiencing other joys in life. In fact, His love has the power to transform the things that may us sorrow or worry. God has the ability to soften the cares that might destroy our peace. When we trust in His love, even our greatest challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth and joy. We learn to see obstacles as stepping stones rather than roadblocks.

Sometimes, it might feel like we are going through hardships or trials. It can be tough to understand why we have to face difficult situations or endure pain. But we must remember that God’s love is behind it all. He allows us to go through these experiences for a purpose. It is in these moments of dejection and struggle that our faith is tested and strengthened. God’s love is pleased when we find pleasure in the trials He ordains because it shows our trust and reliance on Him.

We might question why God would allow us to face certain challenges, but His ways are higher than our ways. He knows exactly what we need in order to grow spiritually and become the best version of ourselves. Just like a loving parent who knows what is best for their child, God knows what will ultimately benefit us the most. And when we fully trust in Him, we find that every sigh, every difficult moment, is rewarded in some way.

In this journey of life, God appoints the measure and number of our pains. He knows exactly what we can handle and what will stretch us to become stronger and wiser. Our struggles and challenges aren’t random; they are purposeful. And if we approach them with faith and perseverance, we will discover that God can turn our trials into blessings.

So, let us view each challenge as an opportunity to grow. Instead of becoming disheartened by the hardships, let us remember that God’s love is at , shaping us into the people He created us to be. Through His love, even the most difficult circumstances can be transformed. We can find joy and peace in the midst of our struggles, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

In conclusion, the hymn “Jealous and With Love O’erflowing” teaches us about God’s demanding yet loving nature. His jealousy is rooted in a deep love for us, desiring our complete devotion and attention. His love has the power to transform our sorrows and trials, turning them into opportunities for growth and joy. No matter the challenges we face, let us trust in God’s sovereign love, knowing that every sigh and every difficult moment has its reward. Through it all, may we embrace the trials He ordains, finding pleasure and gratitude in His perfect love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the transforming power of God's jealous and loving nature in the hymn Jealous and With Love O'erflowing. Discover how His love softens cares, turns sorrows into joy, and rewards every moment of devotion.


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