Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Joy and Wonder of Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts. Find true fulfillment and love in the grace of Jesus

Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts – Hymn Lyric

“Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts” explores the overwhelming joy and wonder that comes from a relationship with Jesus. The expresses the incomparable and grace that fills the soul with happiness, surpassing all earthly pleasures. Knowing Jesus brings true meaning, purpose, and fulfillment, making Him the source of genuine joy and love.


Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts – Hymn Lyric

Blest Jesus,
when my soaring thoughts
O’er all graces rove,
O’er all Thy graces rove,
How is my soul in transport lost—
How is my soul in transport lost—
In wonder, joy, and love.

Not softest strains
can charm mine ears
Like Thy beloved Name,
Like Thy beloved Name!
Nor aught beneath the skies inspire,
Nor aught beneath the skies inspire,
My heart with equal flame.

Where’er I look,
my wondering eyes
Unnumbered see!
Unnumbered blessings see!
But what is life with all its bliss!
But what is life with all its bliss!
If once compared to Thee!

Hast a rival
in my breast?
Search, Lord,
for Thou canst tell,
Search, Lord,
for Thou canst tell,
If aught can raise my passions thus,
If aught can raise my passions thus,
Or please my soul so well.


Meaning of Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts

Blest Jesus, When My Soaring Thoughts: Finding Joy and Wonder in God’s Grace

Oh, how my heart leaps with joy and wonder when I think of all the amazing things that Jesus has done for me! His love and grace fill my soul with such happiness that no other sound or name can compare. When I hear the beloved name of Jesus, it’s like music to my ears, lifting my spirits and filling me with an indescribable warmth.

As I gaze upon the world around me, I am in awe of the countless blessings that God has bestowed upon me. Everywhere I turn, I see His handiwork and feel His presence. The beauty of nature, the smiles of loved ones, and the opportunities that my way – they all remind me of His goodness. But even amidst all these blessings, I know that nothing compares to the joy I find in my relationship with Jesus.

Life may bring moments of bliss and happiness, but when compared to the immeasurable love and joy that Jesus offers, they all fade in significance. The experiences and possessions that the world deems important are nothing compared to the value of knowing Jesus. He is the source of genuine joy, love, and fulfilment that cannot be found anywhere else.

I can’t help but wonder, does anything else capture my heart and passion as Jesus does? I search within myself, and I find no rival for the love and devotion I have for my . For it is Jesus alone who knows the depths of my soul and understands me completely. His love and presence bring an unmatched peace and contentment that nothing else can provide.

When my thoughts soar to the heights of gratitude and awe, I am overwhelmed by the grace that Jesus shows me each day. His love is boundless and everlasting, and it touches every aspect of my life. I find solace and comfort in His embrace, knowing that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

In times of trouble or uncertainty, I turn to Jesus, and He is there to guide me through the storms. His wisdom and strength become the steady rock upon which I can firmly stand. Through His grace, I find the courage to face any challenge and the hope to keep pressing forward.

Blest Jesus, you are the center of my joy and the of my soul. Your love fills me with wonder and amazement, and I count it as the greatest in my life. In your presence, I find the true meaning of joy, peace, and love.

As I journey through this life, I am grateful for the countless blessings that I see and experience. But above all, I am thankful for you, Jesus. You are the reason for my soaring thoughts and the source of all that is good in my life.

In conclusion, let us remember the hymn’s words and the depths of love and joy they express. May we always find our souls in transport, lost in wonder, joy, and love as we experience the incomparable grace of Jesus. He is the one who brings true meaning, purpose, and fulfillment to our lives. Let us cherish our relationship with Him and never forget the immeasurable blessings that come from knowing and loving Jesus, our Blest Savior.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Joy and Wonder of Blest Jesus When My Soaring Thoughts. Find true fulfillment and love in the grace of Jesus, our Savior. Maximize your joy with a relationship with Him.


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