O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower – Hymn Lyric

Discover the beauty and transience of life in "O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower." Reflect on the fleeting nature of life and find solace in the joy of divine connection. Embrace each moment with love and gratitude.

O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower – Hymn Lyric

O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower: Embracing the Beauty and Transience of Life Life, much like a delicate flower, is a wondrous gift that blooms for a brief moment, captivating us with its beauty. Despite its fleeting nature, we can find solace in spending our days in the company of the divine, knowing that our joys and connections will endure beyond our time on Earth. Let us cherish the moments we are given, spreading love and leaving a lasting imprint on the .


O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower – Hymn Lyric

Oh, what is life?–’tis like a flower
That blossoms and is gone;
It flourishes its little hour,
With all its beauty on:
comes, and, like a wintry day,
It cuts the lovely flower away.

Oh, what is life?–’tis like the
That glistens in the sky:
We love to see its colors glow;
But, while we look, they die:
Life fails as soon,–to-day ’tis here;
To-morrow it may disappear.

Lord, what is life?–if spent with thee,
In humble praise and prayer,
How long or short our life may be,
We feel no anxious care:
Though life depart, our joys shall last
When life and all its joys are past.


Meaning of O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower

O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower: Embracing the Beauty and Transience of Life

Oh, what is life? It is a wondrous gift, much like a delicate flower that blooms and graces our world with its presence. Like a flower, life is here for but a brief moment, its beauty captivating all who behold it. Just as a flower flourishes and displays its vibrant colors for a fleeting hour, so does life grace us with its joys and wonders.

But alas, just as a wintry day comes and cuts the lovely flower away, so too does death come and snatch life from our midst. We may mourn and grieve the loss of life, for it is indeed a sorrowful moment. Yet, let us also remember that the essence of a flower remains even after its petals have withered and fallen. In the same way, the impact of a life lived lingers on in the memories and legacies that endure.

Reflecting upon life’s transitory nature, we turn our attention to the bow that glistens in the sky after a refreshing rain. How we in the vibrant colors that make our hearts stir with joy! But even as we gaze upon its splendor, the bow soon fades away, reminding us of the fleeting nature of our own existence. Life, too, fails as swiftly as the rainbow, here today and gone tomorrow.

Despite life’s ephemeral nature, we find solace in the that our time on this Earth can be filled with purpose and meaning. When we spend our days in the company of the divine, offering humble praise and sending forth our prayers, the length of our life becomes inconsequential. We need not fret or be anxious about the length of our days, for we know that our connection with the divine transcends the boundaries of time.

The Lord guides us to find joy, even in the face of life’s uncertainties. Life may depart, but the joys we experience in His presence shall endure, even when life and all its joys are but mere memories. So, let us not be disheartened by the briefness of life, but instead focus on cherishing and nurturing the moments we have been granted.

Just as a flower, in its splendid bloom, spreads beauty and fragrance to all those who come across its , so too can we bring joy to others. Let our lives be a radiant display of love, kindness, and . In brightening the lives of those around us, we create a lasting impact that surpasses the limitations of time.

As we ponder the wonders of life and its fleeting nature, let us also embrace the inherent beauty and transience that accompanies it. Like a flower, life is a reminder of the cycles of existence, the ebb and flow of birth and death. And in this cyclical rhythm, we find awe-inspiring beauty, knowing that every stage of life holds its own unique splendor.

So, friends, let us not fear the brevity of life, but instead celebrate its precious moments. As we go forth, let us nurture our relationships, cultivate our passions, and savor the simple pleasures that make life worth living. For even though life may be like a flower, here one moment and gone the next, it is in these fleeting moments that we can truly find happiness and leave a lasting imprint on the world.

In conclusion, life, like a flower, blooms and fades with astonishing swiftness. Let us each moment, for it is through the ephemerality of life that we learn to appreciate its beauty. And as we walk on this journey, let us remember that a life spent in with the divine transcends the boundaries of time, for our joys shall last even when life and all its joys have passed. So, embrace the fleeting nature of life, dear friends, and let us live each day with love, purpose, and gratitude.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the beauty and transience of life in O What Is Life Tis Like A Flower. Reflect on the fleeting nature of life and find solace in the joy of divine connection. Embrace each moment with love and gratitude.


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