Then When The Sun Was Set – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of Jesus' healing touch in the hymn "Then When The Sun Was Set." Don't wait to bring your loved ones to Him

Then When The Sun Was Set – Hymn Lyric

“Then When The Sun Was Set” is a hymn that explores the story of people bringing their loved ones who were blind and lame to Jesus. They wait until the sun has set and has just begun to seek Jesus’ healing touch. This hymn reminds us of the importance of not delaying in seeking Jesus’ help for our loved ones and trusting in His power to heal.


Then When The Sun Was Set – Hymn Lyric

Then when the sun was set they came
And brought the loved ones, blind and lame,
To Him who wondrous words had taught,
And so mighty wrought,
In Galilee, in Galilee.

‘Twas not till setting of the sun,
No, not till night had just begun-
They brought at last the loved ones ill,
To supplicate the Master’s skill,
On bended knee, on bended knee.

‘Twas passing strange so long they’d wait,
These suffering and disconsolate.
Why tarry all the day!
Why did the sick ones still delay
The Christ to see, the Christ to see?

O Great Physician from above,
Heal Thou the -sick souls we love!
But, Master, grant we may not bide
So long a time-till eventide-
To ask of , to ask of Thee.


Meaning of Then When The Sun Was Set

In the hymn “Then When The Sun Was Set,” we are reminded of a time when people brought their loved ones who were blind and lame to Jesus. They had heard about the wondrous words He had taught and the mighty miracles He had performed in Galilee. The people waited until the sun had set and night had just begun to bring their sick loved ones to seek the Master’s healing touch, on bended knee.

It must have been a long and tiring day for these suffering and disconsolate individuals. They had waited patiently, perhaps hoping for the perfect moment when they could bring their loved ones to Jesus and witness the power of His healing. But why did they wait until the setting of the sun? Why did they delay in seeking the Christ?

It is easy for us to wonder why they didn’t come sooner. Why did they let the entire day pass before bringing their loved ones to Jesus? Didn’t they realize that time was of the essence? But if we put ourselves in their shoes, we might gain a better understanding of their actions.

Imagine being in a situation where you or someone you love is suffering. You have heard about this man named Jesus who is capable of performing miracles. You have heard incredible stories of how He has healed the sick and afflicted. Your is filled with hope, but at the same time, you may also be filled with doubt. Will Jesus really be able to help? Will He have the time or to heal your loved one?

These feelings of doubt and uncertainty may have been what kept these individuals from bringing their loved ones earlier. They wanted to believe in Jesus’ power, but they needed to witness it for themselves. They may have been afraid of disappointment or rejection. They wanted to make sure that the moment was just right before approaching Jesus with their requests.

But in waiting until the sun had set and night had begun, they finally found the courage to bring their loved ones to Jesus. Perhaps the of night made their requests feel more urgent. And so, on bended knee, they humbly sought the Great Physician from above to heal their sin-sick souls.

As we reflect on this story, we can draw parallels to our own lives. We all have loved ones who are spiritually blind or spiritually lame. We witness their struggles, their pain, and their need for healing. Just like the people in the hymn, we long for their spiritual well-being and for them to experience the transformative power of Jesus’ love.

Let us take this hymn as a reminder to not wait until the setting of the sun to seek Jesus’ healing touch for our loved ones. Let us not delay in bringing them to Him, for time is precious, and every moment counts. We must not let our doubts or fears hold us back from approaching Jesus with our requests.

Instead, let us trust in the power of the Great Physician to heal the sin-sick souls we love. Let us have faith that He will hear our and extend His grace and to those in need. And let us not tarry or hesitate, but come before Him with open hearts and open arms, for Jesus is always ready to receive us.

In conclusion, “Then When The Sun Was Set” is a hymn that reminds us of the importance of seeking Jesus’ healing touch for our loved ones. It teaches us not to delay in approaching Him and trusting in His power to heal the spiritually blind and lame. May we always remember the lesson of this hymn and have faith in the Great Physician’s ability to heal and restore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of Jesus' healing touch in the hymn Then When The Sun Was Set. Don't wait to bring your loved ones to Him, for time is precious. Trust in the Great Physician's ability to heal the spiritually blind and lame.


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