Blest Be The Dear United Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of unity and love in "Blest Be The Dear United Love" hymn. Embrace the unbreakable bond that connects us all in Jesus' footsteps. Find strength and purpose in our shared unity.

Blest Be The Dear United Love – Hymn Lyric

“Blest Be The United Love: A Hymn Celebrating the Power of Unity” This hymn beautifully expresses the lasting connection and love that unites us as believers. It reminds us that distance cannot separate our hearts when we are united in love and faith. By following in the footsteps of and embracing our unity in Him, we can find joy and purpose in our lives. Let us cherish and share the dear united love that binds us together.


Blest Be The Dear United Love – Hymn Lyric

Blest be the dear uniting love
that will not let us part;
our bodies may far off remove,
we still are one in .

Joined in one spirit to our Head,
where he appoints we go,
and still in Jesus’ footsteps tread,
and do his below.

O may we ever walk in him,
and nothing know beside,
nothing desire, nothing esteem,
but Jesus !

We all are one who him receive,
and each with each agree,
in him the One, the Truth, we live;
blest point of unity!

Partakers of the Savior’s ,
the same in mind and heart,
nor joy, nor grief, nor time, nor place,
nor life, nor death can part.


Meaning of Blest Be The Dear United Love

Blest Be The Dear United Love: A Hymn Reflecting the Power of Unity

In this delightful hymn, the power of love and unity is celebrated with heartfelt words. It reminds us that no matter how physically distant we may be, our hearts are forever connected through the bond of love. Let’s dive deeper into the beautiful ideas presented in this hymn.

The first verse tells us that the love that unites us is precious and enduring. It ‘t let us be separated, even if our bodies are far apart. It is a love that resonates within our hearts, connecting us to one another. This verse reminds us that physical distance does not have to be a barrier when our hearts are united in love and spirit.

The following lines emphasize that we are all followers of Jesus Christ, who guides our footsteps and leads us on a path of righteousness. By walking in His ways and doing His work here on Earth, we to spread His love and goodness to those around us. This verse encourages us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and to continually strive to be more like Him in our thoughts and actions.

The next verse reminds us that Jesus should be the center of our lives. It encourages us to focus solely on Him, not being distracted by the desires or opinions of the world. Jesus sacrificed Himself on the for our sins, and this verse urges us to hold Him in the highest esteem above all else. By keeping Jesus at the forefront of our minds and hearts, we can find true and purpose in our lives.

In the hymn’s chorus, we are reminded that we are all one when we receive Jesus into our lives. Regardless of our individual backgrounds or circumstances, we can come together as a community and find unity in Him.

As partakers of God’s grace, our hearts and minds align. We share the same beliefs and values, allowing us to connect on a deeper level. This unity brings joy and strengthens our faith. It allows us to support and uplift one another in both moments of happiness and times of sadness.

This hymn emphasizes that neither joy nor grief, time nor place can separate us from our unity in Christ. This is a powerful reminder that, no matter what challenges we face or where life takes us, our connection to one another remains unbreakable. It is a comforting thought that we are never alone; we are part of a larger community that supports and embraces us through every season of life.

In conclusion, “Blest Be The Dear United Love” is a hymn that beautifully captures the essence of unity and love among believers. It reminds us that, although we may be physically distant, our hearts remain connected through the power of love and faith. By walking in the footsteps of Jesus, focusing on Him, and embracing our unity in Him, we can find strength, joy, and purpose in our lives. Let us celebrate the dear united love that binds us together, and continue to spread its message of hope and unity to the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of unity and love in Blest Be The Dear United Love hymn. Embrace the unbreakable bond that connects us all in Jesus' footsteps. Find strength and purpose in our shared unity.


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