Golden Day Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and love of a golden day of sunshine. Celebrate this gift from above with heartfelt gratitude. Embrace the warmth and beauty of this magnificent golden day. Join in the chorus of gratitude and let the sunshine guide you on your journey. Welcome to a day filled with love and light.

Golden Day Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Welcome to the magnificent Golden Day of Sunshine! This is a day filled with love, joy, and gratitude as we appreciate the blessings that God has given us. Let the warmth of the and the harmony of children’s voices uplift your spirits as we celebrate this special day.


Golden Day Of Sunshine – Hymn Lyric

Golden day of sunshine,
children’s day of love,
Full of joy and gladness,
gift of God above!
Earth with verdure gleaning,
voices sweet in tune,
Swell the of June.

Welcome, welcome, happy golden day!
Love light cheers us all along the ;
Welcome, welcome, happy golden day!
Hearts and lives as tribute to our Lord we pay.

Winds unite in chorus,
sea-waves chant sublime,
All the world seems ringing
in a merry chime;
Roses, breathing fragrance,
smile along our way,
Welcoming our golden day.


Summer calls for praises;
swell the anthem grand,
Thanks for countless blessings
God for us hath planned;
Come, ye happy children,
tribute pay,
Hail this golden festal day.


Meaning of Golden Day Of Sunshine

Oh, what a glorious day we have before us! A golden day of sunshine, a day filled with love and joy. Can you feel the warmth of the sun, as it bathes the earth in its golden light? Can you hear the sweet voices of children, singing in perfect harmony? It truly is a gift from God above.

As we look around, we see the world bursting with . The earth is adorned with lush greenery, gleaming in the sunlight. The trees sway gently in the breeze, as if joining in the happy song of June. And oh, the refrain that fills the air! “Welcome, welcome, happy golden day!” How delightful it is to be part of this beautiful symphony of love and light.

Imagine the wind and the waves, joining their voices in chorus. The wind whispers its tune, caressing our skin with its gentle touch. The sea waves crash against the shore, creating a rhythmic melody that is truly sublime. It feels as if the whole world is singing, celebrating this merry chime of existence. And amidst it all, the roses bloom, their exquisite fragrance filling the air. They smile and nod, as though welcoming us to this magical golden day.

Summer, the season of warmth and abundance, calls for our praises. It is a time to recognize and cherish the countless blessings that God has planned for us. Each day is a precious gift, and on this golden festal day, our hearts overflow with gratitude. We, the happy children of God, come together to offer our loving tribute. We raise our voices in honor of this day, a day that represents all the goodness and beauty that surrounds us. We pay tribute to the Lord who created it all.

Let us remember that this day is not just about the sunshine and the happiness it brings. It is about recognizing and appreciating the blessings that we often take for granted. It is about gratitude and making our hearts and lives a tribute to our Lord. As we bask in the warmth of this golden day, let us reflect on the love and light that fill our lives. Let us take a moment to thank God for all the wonders and joys that surround us.

And so, as we embrace this golden day of sunshine, let us cherish the love and light that it brings. Let us allow our hearts to be filled with its warmth and our lives to be a reflection of its beauty. May this day be a reminder of the goodness and abundance that is present in our lives. May it inspire us to live each day with a heart and a joyful .

Welcome, welcome, happy golden day! Love light cheers us all along the way. Hearts and lives as tribute to our Lord we pay. May this day be a reflection of the love and light that fill our lives. May it bring us closer to each other and to our Creator. As we and celebrate, let us remember the true meaning of this golden day. Let us carry its essence in our hearts, and may it guide us in every step we take.

So, my dear friends, let us embrace this golden day of sunshine with open hearts and grateful souls. Let us bask in its warmth and allow its light to fill our lives. May we carry the love and joy of this day with us always. Welcome to this magnificent golden day, where the world sings in harmony and our hearts join in a chorus of gratitude. Enjoy every moment, cherish every , and let the sunshine guide you on this wondrous journey.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and love of a golden day of sunshine. Celebrate this gift from above with heartfelt gratitude. Embrace the warmth and beauty of this magnificent golden day. Join in the chorus of gratitude and let the sunshine guide you on your journey. Welcome to a day filled with love and light.


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