The Love Of Christ Constraineth – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible power of Christ's love in "The Love Of Christ Constraineth". Embrace this transformative love and share it with the world. Let us be the bearers of His love until all the world adores Jesus' feet.

The Love Of Christ Constraineth – Hymn Lyric

“The of Christ Constraineth: Embracing the Incredible Power of Christ’s Love” Experience the overwhelming power of a love that wraps around you like a blanket, compelling you to do extraordinary things. The “The Love of Christ Constraineth” beautifully captures this transformative love and calls us to spread it throughout the world. A love that knows no boundaries, it transforms lives and offers hope to a weary world, making it a force that cannot be ignored.


The Love Of Christ Constraineth – Hymn Lyric

The love of Christ constraineth;
O let the watchword ring
Till all the world adoring
To ‘ feet it bring.

Till north and south the kingdoms
Shall own His glorious sway,
And east and west the nations
Rejoice to see His day.

The love of Christ constraineth;
O let the watchword ring,
Till all the world adoring
To Jesus’ feet it bring.

The love of Christ constraineth;
And we who trust His Word,
Who know and feel its power
To gladder service stirred,

Shall neither faint nor falter,
Though dark the and long,
And weak our hands that labor;
His strength shall make us strong.


The love of Christ constraineth;
Then let us work and pray,
And watch the glad appearing
Of that triumphal day,

When , Son and Spirit,
By every tongue confessed,
All earth his broad dominion
In His dear love shall rest.


Meaning of The Love Of Christ Constraineth

The Love of Christ Constraineth: Embracing the Incredible Power

Have you ever experienced a love so strong and powerful that it seems to wrap around you like a warm blanket? A love that compels you to do extraordinary things and brings to your heart? This powerful and unconditional love is the love of Christ. The hymn “The Love of Christ Constraineth” beautifully captures the essence of this love and encourages us to spread it throughout the world.

Imagine a world where the love of Christ is the guiding principle, where every person acknowledges and adores Jesus’ love. In this world, the kingdoms to the north and south, the east and west, all bow down to the of His reign. Just the thought of such a world fills our hearts with hope and admiration.

The love of Christ is not just a mere sentiment; it is an unyielding force that transforms lives. Those who trust in His Word and understand its power are propelled into service with even greater enthusiasm. With this love in our hearts, we will not falter or grow weary, even in the darkest of nights. Our weak hands will be strengthened by His divine power, enabling us to accomplish incredible feats.

So, how do we manifest this love in our lives? How do we spread its influence throughout the world? The answer lies in our actions, in our , and in our watchfulness. We must work diligently, committed to the task at hand, serving others with the same selflessness that Christ displayed. Prayer is our direct line of communication with God, an opportunity to share our hopes and dreams with the One who can bring them to fruition. And as we work and pray, we must also keep a vigilant eye out for the signs of Christ’s triumphant return.

As we eagerly await His glorious appearing, it is crucial to remember that the love of Christ knows no boundaries. It is not confined to a select few but is meant for every single person on Earth. This love transcends language and culture, uniting people from every corner of the globe. When we confess with our tongues that Jesus is Lord and Savior, we join a vast community of believers who recognize and celebrate His love.

The day will come when all of creation will acknowledge the lordship of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. On that day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the unmatched power and love of Christ. Earth will be enveloped in His tender embrace, and His love will reign supreme.

In conclusion, the hymn “The Love of Christ Constraineth” calls upon us to embrace the incredible power of Christ’s love and share it with the world. This love compels us to serve, to pray, and to watch expectantly for His return. As we work towards about that triumphant day, let us remember that the love of Christ knows no boundaries and is meant for every person. It is a love that transforms lives and offers hope to a weary world. So, let us be the bearers of this incredible love, spreading it far and wide until all the world adores Jesus’ feet.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible power of Christ's love in The Love Of Christ Constraineth. Embrace this transformative love and share it with the world. Let us be the bearers of His love until all the world adores Jesus' feet.


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