Live For The Lord Who Loves You So – Hymn Lyric

Live for the Lord who loves you so: A hymn of love and service. Let your life shine and show the love of Christ in the way you live. Be loyal

Live For The Lord Who Loves You So – Hymn Lyric

“Live For The Who Loves You So” is a touching hymn that reminds us of ‘s unconditional love and encourages us to let our lives shine with happiness and love. It reminds us that we have the power to make a difference in the lives of others and encourages us to be and true to those around us. By living for the Lord and serving others, we can joy to our own lives and make a positive impact in the world.


Live For The Lord Who Loves You So – Hymn Lyric

Live for the Lord who loves you so,
Happy and glad wherever you go;
Let your life shine each passing day,
Cheering some comrade on the way.

Shine out, shine out!
Loving service to the Lord give;
Shine out, shine out!
Show the Christ in just the way you live.
Shine out, shine out!
For the sake of those you meet each day;
Be loyal and true, souls are looking to you;
Shine out for Jesus always.

Faithfully walk through life’s long ways,
Not for the sake of earthly praise;
Looking to him who hears each cry,
Striving the Lord to glorify.


Let your life shine right where you stand,
Waiting with joy your King’s command;
Then when his is truly heard,
Ready to do his blessed word.


Meaning of Live For The Lord Who Loves You So

Live For The Lord Who Loves You So: A Hymn of Love and Service

When you up each and greet the day, do you ever stop and think about the love that the Lord has for you? It’s an incredible feeling to know that there is someone out there who loves you unconditionally, no matter what. The hymn “Live For The Lord Who Loves You So” reminds us of this great love and encourages us to let our lives shine with happiness and love wherever we go.

The first verse of this beautiful hymn speaks to the joy that comes from knowing that we are loved by the Lord. It says, “Live for the Lord who loves you so, happy and glad wherever you go.” Just think about how amazing it is to have someone who loves you so much that it brings true happiness to your life. This love should fill us with an overwhelming desire to share that happiness and love with others.

The refrain of the hymn encourages us to “shine out” and show the love of Christ in the way we live. It reminds us that we have the power to make a difference in the lives of those around us. When we choose to serve others and show them kindness, we are acting as a reflection of God’s love. So let’s shine out with loving service to the dear Lord and give glory to Him through our actions.

Each day presents us with opportunities to be a beacon of to those we encounter. The third verse of the hymn reminds us to faithfully walk through life’s long ways, not seeking earthly praise, but rather looking to the Lord who hears our every cry. When we strive to glorify God in all that we do, our lives will naturally shine for all to see.

Let your life shine right where you stand, the hymn tells us. Sometimes we may find ourselves yearning for bigger, more glamorous opportunities to make a difference. But the truth is, we can make a difference right where we are. By being kind, loving, and loyal to those in our everyday lives, we can show the love of Christ to everyone we meet. Souls are looking to you, so shine out for Jesus always.

Waiting with joy for our King’s command is another way we can live for the Lord who loves us so. As we go about our daily lives, we can eagerly listen for God’s voice and be ready to follow His word. When we live with this anticipation and willingness to serve, we are living in alignment with our purpose and bringing glory to the one who loves us unconditionally.

In conclusion, the hymn “Live For The Lord Who Loves You So” is a beautiful reminder of the love that God has for each and every one of us. It encourages us to let our lives shine with happiness and love, to show the love of Christ in the way we live, and to be loyal and true to those around us. By living for the Lord and serving others, we can bring joy to our own lives and make a positive impact in the lives of those we meet. So let’s shine out for Jesus and spread His love wherever we go.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Live for the Lord who loves you so: A hymn of love and service. Let your life shine and show the love of Christ in the way you live. Be loyal, true, and spread His love everywhere you go.


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