Jesus Is Coming Soon – Hymn Lyric

Find hope and peace in troublesome times. Jesus Is Coming Soon brings the promise of freedom

Jesus Is Coming Soon – Hymn Lyric

In these troubling times, filled with fear and uncertainty, the hymn “Jesus Is Coming Soon” offers hope and comfort. It reminds us to humble our hearts to God and seek solace in His presence. Regardless of the time of day, we can find reassurance in the promise that Jesus is coming soon, bringing an end to our troubles and ushering in a future of and joy.


Jesus Is Coming Soon – Hymn Lyric

Troublesome times are here, troublesome times are here
Filling men’s hearts with fear, filling men’s hearts with fear
Freedom we all hold dear, freedom we all hold dear
Now is at stake

Humbling your hearts to God, humbling your hearts to God
Saves from the chastening rod, saves from the chastening rod
Seek the way pilgrims trod, seek the way pilgrims trod

My Jesus is coming soon, my Jesus is coming soon
or night or noon, morning or night or noon
And many will meet their doom, and many will meet their doom
Trumpets will sound

And all of the dead shall rise, and all of the dead shall rise
Righteous meet in the skies, righteous meet in the skies
I’m going where no one dies, I’m going where no one dies
Heavenward bound

Well troubles will soon be o’er, troubles will soon be o’er
Happy forevermore, happy forevermore
When we meet on that shore, when we meet on that shore
Free from all care

Rising up in the sky, rising up in the sky
Telling this goodbye, telling this world goodbye
Homeward we then will fly, homeward we then will fly
Glory to share

My Jesus is coming soon, my Jesus is coming soon
Morning or night or noon, morning or night or noon
And many will meet their doom, and many will meet their doom
Trumpets will sound, trumpets will surely sound
And all of the dead shall rise, all of the dead shall rise
Righteous meet in the skies, righteous meet in the skies
I’m going where no one dies, I’m going where no one dies
Heavenward bound

My Jesus is coming very soon, my Jesus is coming soon
Morning or night or noon, morning or night or noon
And many will meet their doom, and many will meet their doom
Trumpets will sound, trumpets will sound
And all of the dead shall rise, all of the dead shall rise
Righteous meet in the skies, righteous meet in the skies
Cause I’m going where no one dies, cause I’m going where no one dies
Heavenward bound, heavenward bound


Meaning of Jesus Is Coming Soon

Jesus Is Coming Soon: Finding Hope in Troublesome Times

In these troublesome times, it’s easy to feel and overwhelmed. The world around us seems to be filled with uncertainty, with troubles that threaten to shake our very hearts. But amidst the chaos and fear, there is a glimmer of hope, a promise that our freedom and peace can be found.

It is in times like these that we must humble our hearts to God, seeking solace and guidance in His presence. For it is through this humility that we can find strength and , escaping the chastening rod that may befall us. Just as the pilgrims trod on their journey towards a better future, we too must seek the way of faith, awakening to a new understanding of our purpose as Christians.

The hymn reminds us that our , Jesus, is coming soon. Regardless of whether it is morning, night, or noon, we can take comfort in the knowledge that His return is imminent. In that momentous event, many will face their doom, as the trumpets sound and all the dead shall rise. Yet, it is not a somber occasion. Rather, it is a time of rejoicing for the righteous, who will meet in the skies and embark on a journey where no one dies, where the burdens of this world are left behind.

The promise of Jesus’ arrival brings assurance that troubles will soon be over. Our troubles, which seem insurmountable now, will fade away, giving way to eternal happiness. On that glorious shore, we will be free from all cares that weigh us down in this earthly existence. As we rise up into the sky, bidding farewell to this world, we will fly homeward, finally finding the where we truly belong, a place brimming with joy and shared glory.

Yes, troubles will soon be over, and we will be happy forevermore. The troubles that once filled our hearts with fear will be replaced by peace and joy. As we meet on that shore, the worries that once plagued us will be but a distant memory. We will be reunited with our loved ones who have gone before us, and together, we will experience a blissful existence, devoid of pain and suffering.

The hymn boldly proclaims that Jesus is coming soon, and this message resonates with hope and anticipation. Regardless of the time of day, Jesus’ arrival is imminent. With the sounding of the trumpets, the dead shall rise, and the righteous will meet in the skies. We will no longer be bound by the constraints of this earthly life, for we will be heavenward bound. In that celestial realm, we will experience a freedom like no other, where death holds no power and eternal life is our reality.

In times of trouble, it is easy to lose sight of hope and succumb to fear. However, this hymn serves as a reminder that amidst the challenges we face, we can find solace in the promise of Jesus’ return. Troublesome times are temporary, but the hope we find in Christ is eternal. So, let us hold onto this hope and eagerly await the day when Jesus is coming soon. May His arrival bring us everlasting peace and the assurance that we are heavenward bound, free from all cares.

As we navigate these troublesome times, let us remember the message of this hymn and the hope it instills. Jesus Is Coming Soon, and in that promise lies our refuge from fear and uncertainty. So, let us fix our eyes on the skies, knowing that our Savior is near. For in Him, we find hope, peace, and the glimmer of a brighter tomorrow.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find hope and peace in troublesome times. Jesus Is Coming Soon brings the promise of freedom, salvation, and eternal joy. Hold onto this hope and eagerly await His imminent return.


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