Sinner Jesus Loves You Still – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible love of Jesus for sinners. Embrace His mercy and experience the freedom and joy that only He can offer. Renew your vows today and find true completeness in His love. Sinner Jesus Loves You Still.

Sinner Jesus Loves You Still – Hymn Lyric

, Jesus loves you still!” Don’t let your past mistakes or wandering heart keep you from experiencing the unwavering love of Jesus. His mercy and love are always open to you, inviting you to back and find forgiveness, joy, and a fresh start. Embrace His love and become a faithful soldier of the cross, walking in the light of Heaven.


Sinner Jesus Loves You Still – Hymn Lyric

Jesus loves you still,
Mercy’s gates are open wide.
Shall the Lord of ‘s hill
Plead so long and be denied?

Death’s the goal of earthly lust,
Flesh and blood will end in dust!
Hark! He calls you, “Come to Me,
And My love will make you free.”

Lukewarm of the Christ,
Once He washed your sins away!
Once for you His love sufficed,
Ah, what joy was yours that day!
Then you would His praises tell,
Now you love the world too well!

Come today! your vows renew,
To the one who died for you!

Faithful soldier of the cross,
Walking in the light of Heaven,
Counting everything but loss,
For the love that He has giv’n;
God is sending still today,
Fire on those who will obey:
Tarry till thou be renewed,
With the Spirit’s power endued.

Jesus, Savior! at Thy feet
Here we gather one and all.
Make us in Thyself complete,
While upon Thy name we call.
Save and sanctify and fill,
Heal, and guard from every ill.

Keep us blameless, till the day
Thou shalt catch Thy bride away.


Meaning of Sinner Jesus Loves You Still

Sinner, Jesus loves you still! Isn’t that an amazing thought? No matter what mistakes you’ve made or how far you’ve strayed, Jesus’s love for you never wavers. It’s like a warm embrace, welcoming you back into His arms.

Mercy’s gates are open wide. Just imagine a beautiful, grand entrance with doors wide open, beckoning you to enter. That’s what God’s mercy looks like. It’s an invitation to leave behind your past and step into a fresh start, a clean slate. No matter how big or small your sins may be, God’s mercy is greater. So why not step through those gates and experience the joy of forgiveness?

Shall the Lord of Calvary’s hill plead so long and be denied? Imagine, dear friend, Jesus Himself standing at the top of Calvary’s hill, earnestly pleading for you to come to Him. He yearns for your salvation, for you to experience His love and grace. Will you to deny His call? Will you let this incredible opportunity pass you by? Don’t take forever to decide, because Jesus’s love knows no bounds, but there might come a time when the opportunity is no longer available.

Death’s the goal of earthly lust, flesh and blood will end in dust! It’s important to remember that our time on Earth is temporary. No amount of worldly pleasure or desires can compare to the eternal joy that Jesus offers. Earthly pleasures fade away, leaving us empty and unsatisfied. But Jesus offers us a hope and a future that extends far beyond this life. So why chase after temporary pleasures when we can have a love that lasts forever?

Hark! He calls you, “Come to Me, and My love will make you free.” Can you hear it? The gentle whisper of Jesus calling your name. He longs for you to come to Him, to experience the freedom that only His love can offer. It’s a freedom from guilt, shame, and the burdens of sin. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, His love sets us free from the things that hold us back and weighs us down. It’s a love so immense, it can break all chains and bring true liberation.

Lukewarm lover of the Christ, once He washed your sins away! Once upon a time, you experienced the incredible power of Jesus’s love. Your sins were washed away, and you felt a joy like no other. But somewhere along the way, your love for Him started to waver. It became lukewarm and was overshadowed by the attractions of the world. But fear not, dear friend, for Jesus’s love is patient and forgiving. He longs for you to return to your first love, to reignite that fire within your heart.

Once for you, His love sufficed. Ah, what joy was yours that day! Do you remember that moment when Jesus’s love first entered your life? The joy, the peace, the overwhelming sense of being loved unconditionally? It was a feeling like no other. And guess what? Jesus’s love still suffices. It’s just as powerful and transformative today as it was back then. All you have to do is open your heart and allow His love to flow over you once again.

Then you would His praises tell, now you love the world too well! There was a time when you couldn’t help but share the good news of Jesus’s love. His praises were constantly on your lips. But as time went on, the attractions and of the world crept in. Your love for the world grew stronger, and your love for Jesus took a backseat. It happens to the best of us, but it doesn’t have to be the end of the . Jesus is calling you back to Himself, asking you to renew your vows and choose Him above all else.

Come today! Your vows renew, to the One who died for you! Don’t wait another moment, dear friend. Today is the day to recommit your life to Jesus. Let go of the distractions and worldly desires that have held you captive. Jesus’s arms are wide open, ready to receive you back with love and open arms. Say “yes” to His call and watch as He transforms your life.

Faithful soldier of the cross, walking in the light of Heaven, counting everything but loss for the love that He has given. My friend, when you choose to follow Jesus, you become a soldier of the cross. You step out of the darkness and into the light of Heaven. It may not always be an easy path, but it’s worth every . The things of this world lose their hold on you, and the love of Christ becomes your . So keep walking, keep shining His light, and remember that the love He has given you far surpasses anything this world can offer.

God is sending still today fire on those who will obey, tarry till thou be renewed, with the Spirit’s power endued. Can you feel the fire of God’s presence? He is still actively at work in the world today, pouring out His Spirit on those who are obedient to His call. Don’t rush ahead or grow weary, my friend. Take the time to wait upon the Lord, to seek His face, and to be renewed by His power. It’s in those moments of surrender and waiting that the fire of God ignites within us, empowering us to live lives that bring to His name.

Jesus, Savior! At Thy feet, here we gather one and all. Make us in Thyself complete while upon Thy name, we call. This is our prayer, dear Jesus. We gather at Your feet, seeking Your presence and longing for Your completeness. We acknowledge that without You, we are incomplete. So fill us, heal us, and guard us from every ill. We place our trust in You and call upon Your name, knowing that You alone can make us whole.

Save and sanctify and fill, heal and guard from every ill. Keep us blameless till the day Thou shalt catch Thy bride away. Jesus, we look to You as our Savior. We ask for Your saving grace to wash over us, for Your sanctifying power to transform us, and for Your Spirit to fill us completely. We trust in Your healing touch, knowing that You can heal us from the inside out. Guard us, dear Jesus, from all harm and protect us from the snares of the enemy. And on that glorious day, when You catch Your bride away, may we be found blameless and ready to meet You.

In conclusion, dear friend, know that no matter who you are or where you’ve been, Jesus loves you still. His mercy is always open to you, beckoning you to leave behind your past and step into a future filled with His love and grace. So don’t hesitate, don’t delay. Come to Jesus today, renew your vows, and experience the freedom, joy, and completeness that only He can offer. Let His love be the guiding light in your life, and may you shine brightly as a faithful soldier of the cross.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible love of Jesus for sinners. Embrace His mercy and experience the freedom and joy that only He can offer. Renew your vows today and find true completeness in His love. Sinner Jesus Loves You Still.


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