Air Sunshine And Rain – Hymn Lyric

Appreciate the Free Gifts of Air

Air Sunshine And Rain – Hymn Lyric

“Air And Rain” reminds us of the importance of appreciating the gifts of nature that surround us each day. From the air we breathe, to the sunshine warming our faces, and the rain that nourishes the Earth, these blessings play a vital role in our lives. The encourages us to pause and give thanks for these precious gifts, showing to the Maker who provides them.


Air Sunshine And Rain – Hymn Lyric

So you think you paid the baker for the bread you ate today
And you think you paid the miller for the grain
But nobody paid the maker for the things that made it grow
Like the air and the sunshine and the rain.

Now you don’t grumble when you pay your room and board
When the landlord comes around you don’t complain
So the least you can do is thank the Lord
For the air and the sunshine and the rain.

As you travel down the highway in a and shiny car
Makes no difference if it’s Cadillac or Ford
You must pay for oil and gasoline but air and water’s free
Don’t you think that you should pause and thank the Lord.

You can be the poorest hobo or the richest man in town
But the things that really count, you get your share
For a man with lots of money sometimes can’t afford a smile
While the hobo is a sunshine millionaire.


Meaning of Air Sunshine And Rain

Air, Sunshine, and Rain: Appreciating the Gifts of Nature

Have you ever stopped to think about all the amazing things that make our world so wonderful? We often take for granted the simple blessings that surround us each day, like the air we breathe, the sunshine warming our faces, and the rain that nourishes the Earth. It’s easy to forget that these gifts of nature play a vital role in our lives, and it’s time we pause to show our gratitude to the Maker who provides them.

Imagine this: you wake up in the , and your stomach grumbles in hunger. You rush to the kitchen and grab a slice of bread, slathered with creamy butter. Ah, how delicious! But have you ever thought about how that slice of bread to be? It didn’t magically appear on your table; someone had to grow the grain, grind it into flour, and bake it into the bread you enjoyed. The farmer, the miller, and the baker all played their part, but what about the air, the sunshine, and the rain?

Yes, my dear friends, the air we breathe is a precious gift. It gives to the plants that provide us with our daily sustenance. Without clean air, those wheat fields would wither away, and the bread on our plates would be nothing but a distant dream. We can’t see it with our eyes, but we can certainly feel its gentle touch as we inhale its sweet embrace. So why not take a moment to appreciate the air that gives us breath?

And what about the sunshine? Oh, how it brightens our days! Whether it’s that warm, golden glow on a summer’s afternoon or the tender rays peeking through the after a storm, the sun brings joy and life to our world. It bathes the fields in its radiant warmth, coaxing the seeds to sprout and grow into the food we eat. So let us not forget to thank the Lord for the sunshine that brightens our lives.

Now, let’s talk about rain. When those dark clouds gather in the sky, it may seem like a somber sight. But oh, how vital it is for the Earth! Rainfall quenches the thirst of the soil, drinks up by the plants, and fills our rivers and lakes. It is through rain that our crops prosper and flourish, providing us with nourishment. So, my friends, let us remember to be grateful for the rain that helps sustain our world.

As we travel along the highways in our trusty vehicles, whether they be a sleek Cadillac or a reliable Ford, let us not forget the cost of our journeys. We pay for fuel to keep our engines running, and rightfully so, but let’s not overlook the fact that air and water, two of life’s essentials, come to us for free. Pause for a moment and let gratitude fill your heart as you take in a deep breath of fresh air or feel the cool kiss of water as you quench your thirst. These gifts from nature deserve our appreciation and thanks.

It matters not whether we are the richest of the rich or the poorest of the poor; the blessings of nature are freely given to all. Money can buy many things, but it cannot purchase the warmth of the sun’s rays on your face or the invigorating breeze that whispers through your hair. It cannot buy the contentment that comes from a genuine smile or the feeling of being a millionaire simply because you have the sunshine on your side.

So, my friends, in this bustling world filled with distractions, let us take a moment to truly understand and appreciate the wonders that surround us. Let us not forget to thank the Lord for the air we breathe, the sunshine that kisses our cheeks, and the rain that nourishes our Earth. Like a beautiful hymn, let our gratitude out loud and clear, filling our hearts with joy and reminding us of the simple but priceless gifts that make life so extraordinary.

In conclusion, let us always remember the hymn’s message: that without the air, the sunshine, and the rain, the world we and love would be a vastly different place. These gifts of nature are the unsung heroes of our lives, supporting us every day without asking for anything in return. So, my dear friends, let’s pause and give thanks for each breath of air, each ray of sunshine, and each drop of rain. Let us cherish these gifts and pledge to protect and preserve them for generations to come.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Appreciate the Free Gifts of Air, Sunshine, and Rain - Our Natural Blessings. Stop and give thanks for the air we breathe, the sunshine warming our days, and the rain that nourishes the Earth. Let's cherish these gifts and show gratitude to the Maker.


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