Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Journey to Canaan for Your Ransomed Soul | Embrace the Call to Cross Over Jordan Today. Don't Wait Any Longer - Canaan Awaits.

Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt – Hymn Lyric

Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt: Embracing the Journey to Canaan Are you tired of feeling stuck in a monotonous routine? Canaan, a land of , is for you just beyond Jordan. It’s time to release your fears, embrace the unknown, and cross over to the where fulfillment and happiness abound.


Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt – Hymn Lyric

Dost thy soul ransomed from Egypt,
Yet in the wilderness ?
Canaan’s fair land is before thee,
Cross over Jordan today.

Look, oh, my brother,
Canaan, the land of the blest,
Lies now before thee;
Haste to the place of thy rest.

Spend not thy life thus forever
Treading the wilderness ;
Enter the fullness of favor,
Cross over Jordan today. [Refrain]

Life will be pleasanter, sweeter,
Stony no longer the way;
Many the foes left behind thee-
Cross over Jordan today. [Refrain]

Why dost thou shrink from the crossing?
Thinkest thou still of delay?
Waiting will not make thee stronger,
Cross over Jordan today. [Refrain]

Thou art abundantly able,
Falter not now by the way;
Grace all-abounding is waiting,
Cross over Jordan today. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt

Dost Thy Soul Ransomed From Egypt: Embracing the Journey to Canaan

Oh, my , do you feel like you’re stuck in the same old routine? Does it seem like you’re wandering aimlessly through life’s wilderness? Well, guess what? There is a land of blessings waiting for you just on the other side of Jordan. Yes, my brother, Canaan is calling your name, and it’s time to answer that call and embrace the journey towards your place of rest.

You see, just like the ancient Israelites who were once held captive in Egypt, your soul has been ransomed from the chains of a mundane existence. You have been set free to experience the abundant life that awaits you in Canaan. So why then do you remain in the wilderness, hesitating to take the next step?

Perhaps you’re afraid of the unknown, clinging to the familiarity of your current situation. But remember, Canaan is a land flowing with milk and honey. It’s a place where life becomes sweeter, where the challenges and obstacles that once seemed insurmountable become mere pebbles on the path.

Yes, my friend, there may be foes left behind you, but they have no power over you anymore. Canaan is your promised land, where peace and fulfillment abound. So, why do you shrink from the crossing? What is holding you back from embracing the life you were meant to live?

Maybe you’re waiting for the perfect moment to take that leap of faith. But let me tell you, my brother, waiting will not make you stronger. It’s in the action, in the stepping out, that you find the strength you need. It’s time to cast aside the doubt and hesitation and cross over Jordan today.

You what? You are abundantly able to make this journey. You have everything you need within you to conquer any challenge that lies before you. Don’t falter now, for grace all-abounding is waiting on the other side. It’s like an endless wellspring of love, mercy, and provision, just waiting to overflow into your life. But you have to make the choice to embrace it, to cross over Jordan today.

Life will be pleasanter, sweeter once you make the decision to leave the wilderness behind. The stony path you’ve been treading will transform into a smooth road paved with purpose and . Canaan is a land filled with opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and happiness.

So, my friend, I implore you not to spend your life forever trapped in a monotonous cycle. Canaan, the land of the blessed, is calling your name. Can you hear it? Can you feel the pull towards something greater? Don’t resist it. Answer that call and take the first steps towards your place of rest.

Crossing over Jordan may seem daunting, but you have the power to do it. Your soul has been ransomed from Egypt, and now it’s time to experience the fullness of favor. Release your fears, embrace the unknown, and trust that the journey will be worth it.

And when you finally reach Canaan, oh what a glorious sight it will be! The land overflowing with blessings, the land where dreams come true. Can you imagine the joy, the peace, the abundance that awaits you there? It’s within your grasp, my friend. Don’t let it slip .

So, with renewed strength and determination, gather your courage and take that step. Leave the wilderness behind, for Canaan beckons you. It’s time to cross over Jordan today, and immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of your promised land.

Look, oh my brother, Canaan, the land of the blest, lies now before thee. Haste to the place of thy rest.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Journey to Canaan for Your Ransomed Soul | Embrace the Call to Cross Over Jordan Today. Don't Wait Any Longer - Canaan Awaits.


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