Another Day For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Another Day For Jesus: Embrace opportunities to serve and shine. Spread love

Another Day For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Another Day For Jesus: Embracing Opportunities to Serve and Shine” invites us to seize each day as a chance to make a difference in the world. Through acts of , compassion, and selflessness, we can reflect the love of Jesus and bring joy to those around us. Let us embrace this call to action and make every day another day for Jesus.


Another Day For Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Another day for Jesus,
A coming day to me,
A day with precious burden
Of opportunity.

What harvest I give it?
What record shall I write
Upon these opening pages
Of pure and spotless white?

O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day,
Thy golden hours may laden be
With work for Him who died for me;
O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day.

Perhaps when sunshine
Enwraps the with gold,
Its beauty and its glory
My eyes shall not .

Perhaps the word for Jesus
That trembled at the noon
Will never now be spoken,
My words forever done.

O Giver of the daytime,
O Sender of the night,
May I these precious moments
Spend each as in Thy sight.

And when my earthly daytimes
Forever past shall be,
Grant me this crown of blessing,-
Eternal day with Thee.

O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day,
Thy golden hours may laden be
With work for Him who died for me;
O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day.


Meaning of Another Day For Jesus

Another Day For Jesus: Embracing Opportunities to Serve and Shine

In the beauty of each new day, we are reminded of the grace and love bestowed upon us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. Every sunrise brings with it a fresh chance to make a difference, to touch lives, and to share His boundless love with those in . As we delve into the inspiring hymn of “Another Day For Jesus,” let us explore the significance of each line and discover the endless possibilities that lie within each passing day.

The verse invites us to reflect upon the precious burden of opportunity that comes with every new day. Just as a farmer tends to his crops with care and diligence, we too have the power to sow seeds of kindness and compassion in the lives of others. Imagine the impact we can make if we approach each day with the intention of spreading joy, lending a helping hand, or offering a thoughtful word. In a world craving kindness, let us be the source that uplifts and encourages.

In the refrain, we are reminded of the blessed work that awaits us. Each day is an invitation to fulfill our purpose, to walk in the of Jesus, and to serve others selflessly. When we choose to align our actions with His teachings, we become vessels of His love, reflecting His glory in all that we do. It is through our actions that we bear witness to His sacrifice, demonstrating the profound impact faith can have in transforming lives.

The hymn continues by acknowledging the fleeting nature of time and the urgency to seize the moment. The poet speaks of the possibility that the beauty of an evening sunset may never grace their eyes. It serves as a poignant reminder that life is fragile and unpredictable. We cannot take for granted the time we have to make a difference in the lives of others. Every word, every gesture, counts. Let us not wait for tomorrow, for it may never . Today is the day to share our love, to reach out to those in need, and to spread the light of Jesus to every corner of our world.

The refrain reiterates the importance of this work for Jesus, highlighting its significance and the potential impact it can have on those around us. It is when we devote our time and energy to serving others that we truly experience the full measure of joy and fulfillment. A life spent in the service of others is a life fully lived.

In the final verse, the hymn underscores the vital role of both the daytime and nighttime in our journey. Each moment is a gift, whether it is basking in the radiance of the sun or seeking solace in the quiet embrace of the night. We are called to make the most of each of these precious moments, to live intentionally, and to constantly strive to reflect the love and compassion of our heavenly Father.

As the hymn comes to a close, the poet prays for a heavenly reward – eternal day with the Lord. This serves as a reminder that the culmination of our efforts is not in earthly success or recognition but in the promise of an eternal with our Savior. The true reward lies in knowing that we have fulfilled our purpose, that we have faithfully served our fellow human beings, and that we have given glory to the One who died for us.

In conclusion, “Another Day For Jesus” is not just a hymn but a call to action. It reminds us that each day is truly a gift, an opportunity to love, serve, and make a positive impact in the lives of others. Whether it is a simple act of kindness, a word of encouragement, or a prayer offered in earnest, we can all contribute to making our world a better place. So, let us embrace each new day with gratitude and determination, knowing that with Jesus by our side, we can turn every ordinary day into an extraordinary one. Let us make it another day for Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Another Day For Jesus: Embrace opportunities to serve and shine. Spread love, make a difference, and live a purposeful life. Make it another day for Jesus.


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