‘Ive Had A Talk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and joy by having a talk with Jesus. Pour out your heart

‘Ive Had A Talk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience the pure joy and comfort that comes from having a heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus through the hymn “I’ve Had a Talk with Jesus.” Just like a close confidant, Jesus understands and loves unconditionally. Don’t hesitate to pour out your heart to Him and find solace in His presence.


‘Ive Had A Talk With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’ve had a talk with Jesus,
I’ve told Him all my care;
I’ve sought His blessed presence,
And dropped my there;
And when I knelt before Him,
I felt my spirit thrill
To hear His whisper,
“I ; , be still.”

O blest , pure and sweet,
To talk with Him is joy complete;
And oh, I love to steal away,
And talk with Jesus ev’ry day.

I’ve had a talk with Jesus,
His promised peace to share;
We walked by healing waters
Thro’ pastures green and fair;
His arms of love were round me,
And blest indeed was I,
And oh, I dwelt in safety
With such a refuge nigh!


I’ve had a talk with Jesus,
We held communion sweet;
I’ve laid my joys and sorrows,
Like , at His feet-
I’ve told Him ev’ry longing
That throbbed with my breast;
He filled my soul with comfort,
And gave His peace and rest.


Meaning of ‘Ive Had A Talk With Jesus

Have you ever had a heart-to-heart conversation with someone who truly understands you? Someone who can lift your spirits and bring you peace? Well, let me tell you about a special friend who can do just that – Jesus.

In this beautiful hymn titled “I’ve Had a Talk with Jesus,” the songwriter expresses the joy and comfort that comes from having an intimate conversation with Jesus. It is like a warm embrace, a safe place where all your worries and burdens can be left behind. Just imagine kneeling before Jesus, feeling your spirit come alive as you hear His gentle whisper saying, “I love thee; peace, be still.”

Oh, what a blessing it is to have communion with Jesus, to share your deepest worries and find complete joy in His presence. Talking with Jesus fills your heart with a pure and sweet connection, like no other. It is a relationship that brings you inner peace and contentment, a refuge from the storms of .

When you talk with Jesus, you experience His promised peace, which surpasses all understanding. You journey together, by healing waters and through lush green pastures. His love surrounds you, embracing you in its warmth and tenderness. And in such company, you truly feel safe and secure.

Just as Mary poured out her joys and sorrows at the feet of Jesus, we too can lay all our longings before Him. He is ready to listen with open arms, eager to understand the deepest desires of our hearts. When we share our struggles and sorrows, He fills our souls with comfort, providing us with His peace and rest that surpasses all worldly understanding.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have such a deep connection with Jesus? To have the opportunity to talk to Him every day, no matter what you’re going through? It’s like a secret treasure that is available to each and every one of us.

When we steal away to have these conversations with Jesus, we find solace in His presence. In those moments, everything else fades away, and we are enveloped in His love and peace. It is in these stolen moments that we find strength to face the challenges of each day.

So, my dear friend, I encourage you to take the time to have a talk with Jesus. Pour out your heart to Him, just as you would to a close confidant. Share your joys and your sorrows, your dreams and your fears. I assure you, He is listening.

And as you do, you will experience the purest form of joy, complete and unfiltered. There is no greater joy than talking to Jesus, knowing that He understands and loves you unconditionally. It is a joy that is available to everyone, young and old, from all walks of life.

So, let us all embrace the opportunity to have a talk with Jesus every day. Let us find comfort in His loving arms, share our deepest longings, and experience the peace that only He can provide. May we all steal away and have these cherished conversations, for in them, we discover true joy and complete communion with our and Savior.

Remember, my dear friend, you are never alone. Jesus is always there, waiting to listen. So don’t hesitate – have a talk with Jesus today and let His love pour into your heart.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and joy by having a talk with Jesus. Pour out your heart, share your dreams and fears, and experience the purest joy. Don't wait, have a talk with Jesus today and let His love fill your heart.


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