Love Divine From Jesus Flowing – Hymn Lyric

Unlocking the Overflowing Love of Jesus: Dive into the Boundless Ocean of Love Divine. Experience unconditional forgiveness

Love Divine From Jesus Flowing – Hymn Lyric

Divine From Jesus Flowing: Embracing the Overflowing Love of God” explores the limitless and all-encompassing love that Jesus offers to everyone. This love is described as a boundless , constantly flowing and refreshing our souls. It forgives, cleanses, and invites us to continually drink from its abundant waters. By surrendering to this love, we are set free and can experience a deeper connection with Christ.


Love Divine From Jesus Flowing – Hymn Lyric

Love divine, from Jesus flowing,
Living waters rich and free,
Wondrous love without a limit,
Flowing from eternity;

Boundless ocean,
I would cast myself on .

Love surpassing understanding,
Angels would the mystery scan,
Yet so tender that it reaches
To the lowest child of man.

Let me, Jesus,
Fuller know redemption’s plan.

Love that pardons past transgression,
Love that cleanses every stain,
Love that fills to overflowing
Yet invites to drink again;

Precious fountain,
Which to open Christ was slain.

From my break every fetter,
Thee to know is all my cry;
Saviour, I am thine forever,
Thine I’ll live and thine I’ll die,

Only asking
More and more of love’s supply.


Meaning of Love Divine From Jesus Flowing

Love Divine From Jesus Flowing: Embracing the Overflowing Love of God

Have you ever experienced a love so powerful and overwhelming that it feels like an endless ocean? A love that reaches all the way from eternity and can be found in every corner of the world? This is the kind of love that Jesus offers us, a love so incredible that even angels cannot fully comprehend it. It is a love that surpasses all understanding and yet is so gentle and tender that it touches even the littlest and most insignificant among us.

Imagine a boundless ocean, stretching as as the eye can see. This is the love that Jesus invites us to cast ourselves upon. It is a love without limits, without boundaries, without conditions. It is a love that welcomes us with open arms, no matter who we are or what we have done. This love is like living waters, constantly flowing and refreshing our souls.

In a world full of judgements, rejections, and disappointments, this divine love is a source of comfort and acceptance. It is a love that does not see our past transgressions or the stains in our lives. Instead, it offers forgiveness and cleansing, wiping away our mistakes and giving us a fresh start. This love is filled with grace and , to overflow in our lives.

Just like a precious fountain, this love is both abundant and inviting. It fills us up to the brim, satisfying our deepest longings, and yet it never runs dry. It invites us to drink from its waters again and again, always offering us more. This love is a gift, freely given, that flows from the of Jesus on the cross. He opened the fountain of love through his death, and now it is available for all who seek it.

When we ourselves to this divine love, it breaks every fetter that holds us back. It liberates us from the chains of sin, fear, and shame. As we bask in the knowledge of this love, our hearts are set free to know Christ more deeply. It becomes the cry of our soul to fully understand and embrace redemption’s plan. We want to know Jesus, to walk with him, and to be transformed by his love.

Dear Savior, as we declare our allegiance to you, we acknowledge that we are yours forever. Your love has captured our hearts, and we are forever changed. We live for you, and we are willing to die for you. We open our hands and hearts, asking for more and more of your love’s supply. We long to be filled with your love, to overflow with it, and to share it with others.

In conclusion, Love Divine From Jesus Flowing is a hymn that beautifully describes the boundless and overwhelming love of God. It reminds us that this love is available to everyone, regardless of their past or present circumstances. It is a love that offers forgiveness, cleansing, and an invitation to continually drink from its abundant waters. As we embrace this love, it breaks the chains that hold us back and sets us free to know Christ more fully. Let us cast ourselves upon this love, surrendering to its power and seeking to know and experience more of it each day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Unlocking the Overflowing Love of Jesus: Dive into the Boundless Ocean of Love Divine. Experience unconditional forgiveness, cleansing, and a constant invitation to be filled with love's supply. Surrender to the power of Jesus' eternal love.


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