Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully – Hymn Lyric

Experience the boundless love of Jesus in the hymn "Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully." Give yourself to God today and embrace eternal life with Him. Don't wait

Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully,” we are reminded of the boundless that Jesus has for us. It emphasizes the importance of not turning from this love and giving ourselves to God today. Let us explore this beautiful message further.


Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully – Hymn Lyric

Christ has loved thee faithfully-
Much, oh, much, He did for thee;
From His love turn not away,
Give thyself to God today.

Give thyself to God today,
Give thyself to God today;
Do not wait till some tomorrow-
Time is not for thee to borrow;
Sin and fling away,
Give thyself to God today.

Give thyself to God today,
Nothing good comes of delay;
Lest the wish itself depart,
Give to God today thine heart. [Refrain]

Do not slight the worthiest goal;
What could compensate the soul,
If in folly, sin and strife,
Thou shouldst miss life. [Refrain]    

Meaning of Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully

In the hymn “Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully,” we are reminded of the boundless love that Jesus has for us. It emphasizes the importance of not turning away from this love and giving ourselves to God today. Let us explore this beautiful message further.

Imagine having a dear who loves you unconditionally. This friend is always there for you, ready to lend a helping hand and offer support in times of need. Well, that friend is Jesus. He loves us so much that He willingly gave His life for us, even though we may not deserve it. His love is faithful, unwavering, and everlasting.

This hymn encourages us not to wait until tomorrow to give ourselves to God. Time is , and we should not postpone taking that step towards a closer relationship with Him. Just as we wouldn’t want to borrow something that is not ours, we shouldn’t delay dedicating ourselves to God. The refrain reminds us of this urgency – “Give thyself to God today.”

Sometimes, we might find ourselves putting off important things or delaying decisions. We might think there is always a tomorrow or another opportunity. However, this hymn urges us not to fall into that trap. Procrastination can lead to missed opportunities and regrets. Instead, we should embrace the present moment and offer ourselves to God. The refrain encourages us to “fling away sin and sorrow” and make that commitment today.

Giving ourselves to God means surrendering our hearts and lives to Him. It involves trusting Him, seeking His guidance, and following His teachings. While it might be tempting to think that we have plenty of time to do this later, the hymn warns against such complacency. It says, “Nothing good comes of delay.” The longer we wait, the more we risk losing sight of our true purpose and missing out on the that from a relationship with God.

We should not overlook the value of dedicating ourselves to God. The hymn reminds us that no earthly possession or achievement can compare to the worth of our soul. It asks, “What could compensate the soul?” The answer is simple – nothing. No amount of worldly success, wealth, or fame can us true fulfillment and eternal life.

In this fast-paced and often chaotic world, it is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of temporary pleasures or get lost in the confusion of life’s struggles. However, this hymn warns us not to neglect the ultimate goal – eternal life with God. It encourages us to avoid the traps of folly, sin, and strife that can distract us from our purpose. Instead, we should open our hearts to God’s love and ensure that we do not miss out on the gift of eternal life.

As we reflect on the message of this hymn, let us take a moment to consider our own lives. Are we truly giving ourselves to God? Have we embraced His love and dedicated ourselves wholeheartedly to Him? If not, there is no better time than now to make that commitment.

In conclusion, “Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully” is a touching hymn that reminds us of the immeasurable love Jesus has for us. It encourages us not to delay in giving ourselves to God and to prioritize our relationship with Him. As we embrace His love and our hearts to Him, we open ourselves up to the possibility of eternal life and true fulfillment. So, let us heed the words of this hymn and “Give thyself to God today.”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the boundless love of Jesus in the hymn Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully. Give yourself to God today and embrace eternal life with Him. Don't wait, prioritize your relationship with Him now. Christ Has Loved Thee Faithfully hymn emphasizes the urgency of dedicating ourselves to God.


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