O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise – Hymn Lyric

Embracing a Life of Gratitude and Purpose with "O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise." Discover the transformative power of divine love and how it inspires us to live a life that glorifies our Lord.

O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise – Hymn Lyric

Discover the transformative power of love in the hymn “O Help Me, Dear Lord, Thy Love to .” This hymn is a reminder of the -changing love that brought us from despair to joy and inspires us to live a life that glorifies and praises our Lord. Let us embrace a life filled with , purpose, and surrender as we spread the joyful news of salvation and trust in God’s guidance.


O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise – Hymn Lyric

O help me, dear Lord, Thy love to praise,
From death to life it brought me;
And now I sing the glad new song,
Thy grace divine has taught me.

Help me to live, O Lord, for Thee,
Be this my one endeavor,
To Thy name on ,
And reign with Thee forever.

O help me to make of all I have,
I willing consecration,
To spread abroad the joyful news
Of free and full salvation.


O help me to trust, and watch, and pray,
Thy precious word believing;
To walk by faith from day to day,
No more Thy Spirit grieving.


O help me to do whate’er Thou wilt,
To go where Thou wouldst send me;
Assured of this, my Saviour’s
Will guide and still defend me.


Meaning of O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise

O Help Me, Dear Lord, Thy Love to Praise: Embracing a Life of Gratitude and Purpose

Have you ever experienced a love so powerful, so life-changing, that it brings you from the darkness of despair into the light of joy? That’s the love we’re talking about in this beautiful hymn titled “O Help Me, Dear Lord, Thy Love to Praise.” It reminds us of the incredible transformation that divine love can bring and how it inspires us to live a life that glorifies our Lord.

When we think about love, we often associate it with romantic relationships or the affection we have for our family and friends. But the love that this hymn speaks of goes beyond all that – it’s the love of our Lord, the love that brought us from death to life. Just take a moment to let that sink in. The same love that created the universe, the same love that sacrificed everything for us, is the love that has brought us into a new and everlasting life. How amazing is that?

Now, let’s dive deeper into the verses of this hymn and explore the beautiful message behind each one.

The first verse says, “O help me, dear Lord, Thy love to praise, From death to life it brought me; And now I sing the glad new song, Thy grace divine has taught me.” This verse expresses a filled with gratitude and joy. The love of our Lord has rescued us from the grip of death and has given us a reason to sing a new song. It is a love so powerful that it has not only transformed our lives but also taught us about His grace. So, dear friend, let’s make it our goal to live a life that praises His love and grace.

The refrain continues, “Help me to live, O Lord, for Thee, Be this my one endeavor, To glorify Thy name on earth, And reign with Thee forever.” These words remind us of the purpose and mission that we have as believers. Our primary goal should be to live for the Lord, to bring glory to His name. When we live a life that reflects His love, we become ambassadors of His kingdom here on earth. And the best part is, as we live for Him on this earth, we can look forward to reigning with Him forever in eternity. Isn’t that an incredible promise?

Moving on to the next verse, it says, “O help me to make of all I have, A willing consecration, To spread abroad the joyful news Of free and full salvation.” This verse reminds us that our possessions, our talents, and our resources are not meant to be hoarded or wasted. Instead, we are called to consecrate and dedicate all that we have to the Lord. It’s an invitation to use our blessings to spread the joyful news of salvation, to share the good news of how God’s love has set us free.

The third verse encourages us to trust, pray, and walk by faith. It says, “O help me to trust, and watch, and pray, Thy precious word believing; To walk by faith from day to day, No more Thy Spirit grieving.” Trusting in the Lord’s guidance and believing in His promises should be the foundation of our lives. We need to nurture that trust through prayer and by studying His precious word. When we walk by faith, we demonstrate that we have left our old ways behind, and we no longer grieve His Holy Spirit. Instead, we live in harmony with His will, experiencing the true freedom and joy that comes from living a surrendered life.

Finally, the fourth verse says, “O help me to do whate’er Thou wilt, To go where Thou wouldst send me; Assured of this, my Saviour’s hand, Will guide and still defend me.” This verse encourages us to surrender completely to the Lord’s will and to follow wherever He leads us. It reminds us that we are never alone in our journey. Jesus, our , walks alongside us, guiding us, defending us, and providing for us. With this assurance, we can step out in faith, knowing that we are in His loving and protective hands.

In conclusion, “O Help Me, Dear Lord, Thy Love to Praise” is not just a beautiful hymn; it’s a call to live a life of gratitude, purpose, and surrender. It’s about recognizing the incredible love that our Lord has poured out on us and responding with a life that glorifies and praises Him. So, my dear friend, let us embrace this hymn as a reminder to live each day with gratitude, to share the good news of salvation, to trust in God’s guidance, and to surrender our lives completely to His will. And remember, as we do so, we can look forward to reigning with Him forever. May His love to transform our lives and inspire us to live a life that honors and magnifies His name.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embracing a Life of Gratitude and Purpose with O Help Me Dear Lord Thy Love To Praise. Discover the transformative power of divine love and how it inspires us to live a life that glorifies our Lord.


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