Lift Your Heads Ye Friends Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Lift your heads

Lift Your Heads Ye Friends Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“Lift Your Heads, Friends of Jesus” is a hymn that fills us with anticipation and reminds us that we are not alone in our faith. It speaks of the signs of Jesus’ heavenly kingdom drawing near and the that awaits us when he appears. As we eagerly await this glorious day, let us hold onto the promise of palms of triumph and crowns of glory that Jesus will bestow upon us.


Lift Your Heads Ye Friends Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Lift your heads, he friends of Jesus,
Partners of his patience here;
Christ to all believers precious,
Lord of hosts shall soon appear;
Mark the tokens,
Of his heavenly kingdom near.

Sun and moon are both confounded,
Darkened into endless night;
When with angel hosts surrounded,
In his ‘s glory bright
Beams the Saviour,
Shines the everlasting light.

See the stars from heaven falling,
Hear on earth the doleful cry,
Men on rocks and mountains calling,
While the frowning Judge draws nigh,
Hide us, hide us,
Rocks and mountains, from his eye.

Lo, ’tis he, our heart’s desire,
for his espoused below!
Come to join us with his choir,
Come to make our joys o’erflow;
Palms of triumph,
Crowns of glory to bestow.


Meaning of Lift Your Heads Ye Friends Of Jesus

Lift Your Heads, Friends of Jesus: A Glorious Promise of the Kingdom

How wonderful it is to gather together and lift our heads in anticipation of the glorious days ahead! This hymn reminds us that we are not alone in our patience and perseverance. We are partners in faith, eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Lord of hosts. And guess what? He shall soon appear!

Just imagine the joy and excitement that fills our hearts as we see the signs of his heavenly kingdom drawing near. The sun and the moon, those wonders that have always guided us, will be confounded. Darkness will envelop the earth as our Savior, surrounded by angel hosts, shines forth in his Father’s glory. Can you picture it? The everlasting light that radiates from him will outshine anything we have ever known.

But dear friends, as we look forward to this incredible event, we must also acknowledge that there will be a day of judgment. The hymn speaks of the stars falling from heaven and the doleful cries that will echo across the earth. Men will call out from rocks and mountains, seeking shelter from the frowning Judge who draws near. It is a chilling image, but one we must confront.

Yet in the midst of this unsettling scene, we find solace in knowing that our hearts’ desire is about to be fulfilled. Jesus, our Savior, is coming for us! We, his espoused ones, have been chosen to join him in his choir, to sing praises and rejoice in his presence. Can you imagine the immense joy and overwhelming happiness that will fill our ?

As we eagerly await this glorious day, we can find comfort in knowing that Jesus comes not only to join us, but also to bestow upon us palms of triumph and crowns of glory. These symbols of and honor will be ours to receive, a reward for our steadfastness and belief in him. What a magnificent promise!

So, my dear friends, let us lift our heads high in anticipation. Let us continue to be and patient, for our Lord of hosts will soon appear. Let the tokens of his heavenly kingdom nearing fill us with and excitement. And let us always remember that even in the midst of darkness and uncertainty, Jesus is our heart’s desire, and he will come to make our joys overflow.

In conclusion, may it be known that the hymn “Lift Your Heads, Friends of Jesus” is a beautiful testament to our shared anticipation of the coming kingdom. Through its poetic words and heartfelt melody, we are reminded of the wondrous days to come and the reunion we will have with our Savior. Let us hold onto this promise, my friends, and continue to lift our heads in hope and expectation.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Lift your heads, friends of Jesus! Anticipate the glorious days ahead as we await the arrival of our Lord of hosts. The hymn Lift Your Heads, Friends of Jesus is a beautiful testament to our shared hope and expectation of the coming kingdom. Hold onto this promise and let your hearts overflow with joy. (160 characters)


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