The Tender Love A Father Has – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unchanging Love of God: The Tender Love A Father Has. Discover the blessings and compassion of our heavenly Father's love. Live according to His will and experience His everlasting love.

The Tender Love A Father Has – Hymn Lyric

In “The Tender Love A Has,” this hymn emphasizes the unconditional love of a father, especially our heavenly Father, the Lord. ‘s love for us is described as tender and compassionate, always looking out for our best interests. Despite our weaknesses and the unpredictability of , His love remains constant and everlasting. By following His will and reverence His name, we can experience His blessings and pass down His to future generations.


The Tender Love A Father Has – Hymn Lyric

The tender love a father has
For all his children dear,
Such love the Lord bestows on them
Who worship Him in fear.

The Lord remembers we are dust,
And all our frailty knows;
Man’s days are like the tender grass,
And as the flower he grows.

The flower is withered by the wind
That smites with blighting breath;
So man is quickly swept
Before the blast of death.

Unchanging is the love of God,
From age to age the same,
Displayed to all who do His will
And reverence His Name.

Those who His gracious cov’nant keep
The Lord will ever bless;
Their children’s children shall rejoice
To see His righteousness.


Meaning of The Tender Love A Father Has

In this beautiful hymn titled “The Tender Love A Father Has,” we are reminded of the unconditional love that a father has for his children. And not just any father, but our heavenly Father, the Lord.

Just like a father cares for his children, God’s love for us is full of tenderness and . He looks upon us with love and desires the best for us. His love is so great that even when we fear Him and worship Him, He blesses us abundantly.

In this verse, it says that the Lord remembers that we are dust and understands our frailty. He knows that we are weak and prone to make mistakes. But despite our shortcomings, He loves us anyway. He watches over us and guides us, just as a father would care for his children.

It compares our lives to the tender grass and flowers that grow and wither so quickly. Just as a flower is easily swept away by the wind, our lives can be swiftly taken away by the blast of death. It serves as a reminder that life is fragile and unpredictable. But even in the face of death, God’s love remains constant. His love is unchanging and everlasting, extending from generation to generation.

When we strive to follow God’s will and reverence His Name, He blesses us abundantly. He rewards those who keep His covenant and live according to His commands. And it’s not just for us, but for our children and their children after them. The lasting blessings of righteousness have a ripple effect, bringing joy and fulfillment to future generations.

As we reflect on these words, we are filled with a sense of comfort and peace. We are reminded that no matter what challenges we face or how fleeting life may be, God’s love remains steadfast. It serves as a beacon of and reassurance, providing us with the strength and courage to navigate life’s uncertainties.

But how can we truly experience this tender love that a father has for his children? We can start by developing a personal relationship with God. Just like any relationship, it requires time, effort, and communication.

We can spend time reading His Word, the Bible, to understand His character and His promises. We can also communicate with Him through prayer, sharing our joys, fears, and desires. It’s through this connection that we can experience His love firsthand and the blessings He bestows upon us.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the depth of God’s love for us. We may get caught up in the worries and distractions of the world. But when we pause, reflect, and meditate on His love, we can’t but be overwhelmed by His grace and .

So, let us rejoice in the tender love that our heavenly Father has for us. Let us embrace His love and share it with others. May we be reminded daily of His unchanging love, and may it motivate us to live according to His will and reverence His Name.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of God’s love for us, likening it to the tender love a father has for his children. It reminds us that His love is unchanging and everlasting, even in the face of our weaknesses and the uncertainties of life. Let us cling to His love, live according to His will, and share His love with others. For in doing so, we will experience the true joy and blessings that come from knowing and serving our heavenly Father.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unchanging Love of God: The Tender Love A Father Has. Discover the blessings and compassion of our heavenly Father's love. Live according to His will and experience His everlasting love.


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