O Trembling Soul Thy Lord Is Near – Hymn Lyric

"O Trembling Soul

O Trembling Soul Thy Lord Is Near – Hymn Lyric

O Trembling Soul, do not be afraid, for your Lord is near. He is by your side, ready to guide you every step of the way. In times of doubt and fear, let prevail in your .


O Trembling Soul Thy Lord Is Near – Hymn Lyric

O trembling soul, thy Lord is near,
To lead thee all the way,
Above the mists of doubt and fear,
Let faith prevail today.

That have I given to thee,
That have I given to thee;
Every place where thy foot shall tread,
That have I given to thee.

Thy portion by thy Father’s hand
Has been prepared for thee,
Go up at once, “possess the land,”
And thine ’twill surely be.

Thy shall gird thee with his might,
To conquer ev’ry foe;
The enemy shall take his flight,
And vict’ry thou know.

Thy soul shall on His bounty feed,
Exhaustless is the store;
There’s full supply for ev’ry need,
Abundance evermore.

Meaning of O Trembling Soul Thy Lord Is Near

O Trembling Soul, do not be afraid, for your Lord is near. He is by your side, ready to guide you every step of the way. In times of doubt and fear, let faith prevail in your heart. Have confidence, my , for your Lord has given you great promises.

Yes, you heard it right. God has given you something special, something that is yours to claim. Just like in the hymn, He says, “Every place where thy foot shall tread, That have I given to thee.” Can you believe it? God has prepared a portion for you, a unique plan and purpose that only you can fulfill. It’s like a land waiting to be possessed by you.

So, my , don’t hesitate. God wants you to step forward and take hold of the He has in store for you. He encourages you to go up at once and possess the land. It’s not a land made of physical borders and boundaries, but a symbolic land of opportunities, growth, and fulfillment. And guess what? It will surely be yours.

But wait, you might be wondering, how can I conquer the obstacles that stand in my way? How can I face my fears and overcome the challenges that my way? Well, let me tell you, my friend, your God is not a passive observer. He is an active participant in your life, and He will empower you with His might.

Yes, you heard it again. The hymn says, “Thy God shall gird thee with His might, To conquer ev’ry foe.” When you have God on your side, no enemy can stand against you. He will give you the strength and courage to face any adversary that comes your way. So, stand tall, my dear, for is yours to claim.

But it’s not only victory over your foes that God offers. He also promises to take care of your every need. Your soul shall be nourished by His bountiful provision. There’s an unimaginable abundance in store for you. In the hymn, it says, “Thy soul shall on His bounty feed, Exhaustless is the store.” You see, God’s supply is limitless, and He will meet all of your needs.

So, my dear friend, as you go through life, remember these words of encouragement. Do not let doubt and fear hold you back. Your Lord is near, ready to guide you and supply all your needs. Claim the promises He has given you. Step forward with faith and possess the land that is rightfully yours.

And always remember, my dear, that you are not alone in this . Your Lord is with you every step of the way. So, go forth with confidence, for your trembling soul shall find strength and peace in the presence of your Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image O Trembling Soul, Let faith prevail today. Your Lord is near, ready to guide you. Claim the promises He has given you and possess the land within. Find strength and peace in the presence of your Lord.


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