I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin – Hymn Lyric

"I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin. Embrace your imperfections and trust in Jesus for salvation. Find comfort in God's grace and love

I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin – Hymn Lyric

In this hymn, the author acknowledges their imperfections and inability to earn God’s solely through their own merit. They recognize the power of sin and guilt in their thoughts and actions, but find solace in their trust in Jesus. Despite their unworthiness, they boldly approach God’s of grace, knowing that salvation is theirs because Jesus died for them.


I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin – Hymn Lyric

I do not because my
Is free from sin and pure and whole
And worthy of Thy grace;
I do not speak to Thee because
I’ve ever justly kept Thy laws
And dare to meet Thy face.

I know that sin and guilt combine
To reign o’er every thought of mine
And turn from good to ill;
I know that, when I try to be
Upright and just and true to Thee,
I am a sinner still.

I know that often when I strive
To keep a spark of love alive
For Thee, the powers within
Leap up in unsubmissive might
And oft benumb my sense of right
And pull me back to sin.

I know that, though in doing good
I spend my life, I never could
for all I’ve done;
But though my sins are black as night,
I dare to come before Thy sight
Because I trust Thy Son.

In Him alone my trust I ,
Come boldly to Thy throne of grace,
And there commune with Thee.
Salvation sure, O , is mine,
And, all unworthy, I am Thine,
For Jesus died for me.


Meaning of I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin

I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin

In this beautiful hymn, the author acknowledges their imperfections and recognizes that they are not worthy of God’s grace solely based on their own merit. They express their understanding that sin and guilt have a hold on their thoughts and actions, causing them to stray from goodness. The author’s desire to stay connected with God but feeling the pull of sin resonates deeply within us all.

We all fall short, no matter how hard we try to be righteous and just. Our intentions to live a life pleasing to God are often met with obstacles and temptations that lead us astray. We may strive to keep the flame of love for God alive within us, but there are moments when our own flaws and weaknesses overpower our sense of right and wrong. It’s a constant battle, a struggle that we face each day.

While we may spend our lives trying to do good and make amends for our wrongdoings, we are never able to completely atone for every mistake we have made. Our sins may haunt us like a black night, reminding us of our unworthiness. However, in the midst of this darkness, there is hope. The author finds solace in the trust they have placed in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

It is through Jesus that we find salvation, the ultimate gift of grace. Despite our unworthiness, we can approach God’s throne of grace with boldness, knowing that Jesus has bridged the gap between us and the divine. He gave His life for us, taking on the weight of our sins so that we could be forgiven and welcomed into God’s loving embrace.

It is important to remember that being imperfect and acknowledging our sins does not make us unworthy of God’s love. God’s grace is not earned through our own flawless actions but is freely given to us through faith in Jesus. We don’t have to come before God’s presence with a false pretense of being sinless or perfect. We can come as we are, knowing that Jesus has made a way for us to be accepted and loved.

So, let us embrace our imperfections and sins, knowing that it is through them that we can truly appreciate the magnitude of God’s grace. Let us humbly approach God, relying on the trust we have placed in Jesus as our . Our souls may not be free from sin, but our hearts are filled with trust and love for the one who has redeemed us.

As we this hymn, let it serve as a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. We are all , constantly in need of God’s grace. But with Jesus as our guide and source of strength, we can find comfort and assurance in knowing that we are loved and forgiven.

So, come as you are. Come knowing that your soul may not be free from sin, but your faith in Jesus makes you worthy of God’s grace. Come boldly to His throne of grace and find peace, knowing that salvation is yours. For Jesus died for you, and in Him, you are forever His.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image I Do Not Come Because My Soul Is Free From Sin. Embrace your imperfections and trust in Jesus for salvation. Find comfort in God's grace and love, despite our sinful nature. Come as you are to His throne of grace.


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