He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness – Hymn Lyric

Celebrate the fearless faith of He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness. Join us in honoring this saintly servant on a special day of praise and gratitude. Walk in their footsteps with grace and devotion.

He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness – Hymn Lyric

On this special day, we He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness, a faithful servant who bravely stood up for their faith in Jesus. Their was adorned with virtues and guided by divine grace, leading them on a path of goodness and righteousness. As we honor this beloved saint, may we be inspired to follow in their and bear witness to the love of Jesus in all that we do.


He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness – Hymn Lyric

He who to Jesus manfully bore witness,
He whom ‘s people join to-day to honour,
Now in the hidden mansions of the blessed
Bideth for ever.

With store of virtues God adorned his spirit,
Guiding his feet in paths of goodness,
Through all the earthly years while in his body
Mortal breath tarried.

Wherefore with voices linked in happy chorus
we his praises on this holy feast-day,
Praying for grace to follow in his footsteps
Now and hereafter.

Glory and honour, power and salvation
Be unto him, who, throned in the highest,
Ordereth meetly earth and sky and ocean,
Triune, eternal.


Meaning of He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness

On this special day, we together to honor and celebrate someone who bravely stood up for their faith in Jesus. This person, who we remember today, now resides in the peaceful and joyful mansions of , forever embraced by God’s love.

This individual was truly a shining example of virtue and goodness, with a spirit that was adorned by God himself. Guided by divine grace, they walked a path of righteousness throughout their time on earth, living a life filled with the light of God’s love.

As we join our voices to sing praises on this sacred day, we ask for the strength and grace to follow in the footsteps of this faithful servant. May we be inspired by their example and strive to live our lives in a way that glorifies God and reflects his love to the around us.

We lift our voices in joyful chorus, offering our prayers and gratitude for the life of this beloved saint. Let us seek God’s and grace as we navigate our own paths, knowing that he is always there to lead us towards the light.

Glory and honor, power and salvation belong to God, who reigns over all creation with wisdom and love. May we always remember the eternal presence of our Triune God, who watches over us with unending grace and mercy.

As we reflect on the legacy of this faithful servant, let us be inspired to live our lives with courage and devotion. Like them, may we bear witness to the love of Jesus in all that we do, trusting in God’s guidance and grace each step of the way.

On this special day, let us celebrate the life and faith of He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness, knowing that their legacy of love and devotion will continue to inspire and uplift us for years to come. Let us strive to walk in their footsteps, following the path of righteousness and spreading God’s love to all we meet.

As we sing praises and offer prayers, let us give thanks for the example of this faithful servant and ask for God’s continued guidance and grace in our own lives. May we always be reminded of the power and presence of our Triune God, who watches over us with boundless love and compassion.

Today, we honor a life well lived, a faith boldly proclaimed, and a legacy that will forever shine brightly in the hearts of all who knew and loved He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Celebrate the fearless faith of He Who To Jesus Manfully Bore Witness. Join us in honoring this saintly servant on a special day of praise and gratitude. Walk in their footsteps with grace and devotion.


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