Thou, Whom My Soul Admires Above – Hymn Lyric

Experience the peace and love of the shepherd who guides us to the sweetest pastures. Find rest and nourishment in His presence. Follow in His footsteps for eternal life.

Thou, Whom My Soul Admires Above – Hymn Lyric

In the presence of the shepherd whom my soul admires above all, we find peace and nourishment for our journey. His and care provide us with protection and guidance, leading us to the sweetest pastures of His eternal love. Let us rest in His presence, grateful for the He made for us, as we follow His footsteps back to Him.


Thou, Whom My Soul Admires Above – Hymn Lyric

Thou Whom my soul admires above
All earthly joy and earthly love,
Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me ,
Where do Thy sweetest pastures grow?

Where is the shadow of that rock
That from the sun defends Thy flock?
Fain would I feed among Thy
Among them rest, among them sleep.

Why should Thy bride appear like one
That turns aside to paths unknown?
My constant feet would never rove,
Would never seek another love.

The footsteps of Thy flock I see;
Thy sweetest pastures here they be;
A wondrous feast thy love prepares,
Bought with Thy wounds, and groans, and .

His dearest flesh He makes my food,
And bids me drink His richest blood:
Here to these hills my soul will come,
Till my Beloved lead me home.


Meaning of Thou, Whom My Soul Admires Above

Oh, how wonderful it is to be in the presence of the one who my soul admires above all earthly joy and earthly love. The shepherd who guides and protects us, showing us where to find the sweetest pastures. As we follow in His footsteps, we can rest assured that we are on the right path.

When we think about the image of the shepherd and his flock, we can picture a peaceful scene, with green grass and a cool, refreshing stream nearby. The shadow of the rock provides shade and protection from the harsh rays of the sun, just as the shepherd watches over his sheep, keeping them safe from harm.

As we walk beside the shepherd, we are reminded of the love and care that He has for us. He lays out a feast before us, bought with His own wounds, groans, and tears. He offers us His flesh and blood, the ultimate sacrifice for our . How can we not be grateful for such a gift?

In the presence of the shepherd, we find peace and contentment. We do not need to wander off in search of other or desires. Our hearts are filled with His love, and we are satisfied in His presence. We can rest in the knowledge that we are loved and cared for by the one who knows us best.

As we partake in the feast that He has set before us, we are nourished and strengthened for the journey ahead. We can find comfort and sustenance in His presence, knowing that He will lead us home safely. Just as a shepherd leads his flock back to the safety of the fold, our beloved shepherd will guide us back to Him.

So let us to follow in the footsteps of the shepherd, in His guidance and provision. Let us rest in His love and care, knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us. And let us always remember the sacrifice He made for us, that we may have eternal life in His presence.

Thou, whom my soul admires above all, lead us on this journey of and love. May we find rest and peace in Your presence, and may we always be grateful for Your unfailing love. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the peace and love of the shepherd who guides us to the sweetest pastures. Find rest and nourishment in His presence. Follow in His footsteps for eternal life.


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