I Am Walking And Talking With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Walk and talk with Jesus for joy and peace. Find delight in His love and praises. Trust in His constant presence. Experience true happiness and forgiveness. Embrace his guidance and security.

I Am Walking And Talking With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever experienced the joy of walking and talking with Jesus? This hymn beautifully captures the peace and that comes from staying close to Him. By choosing to walk with Jesus, we find true happiness, , and the promise of meeting Him in . Trust in His love, sing His praises, and know that He is always keeping your soul safe in His care.


I Am Walking And Talking With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I am walking and talking with Jesus my King,
And am finding delight in the praises I sing,
For so closely and trustingly daily I cling;
He is keeping my soul in His love.

He is keeping my soul in His love.
And I know I shall meet Him above;
He will care for His own till the shadows are gone,
He is keeping my soul in His love.

I am happy with Jesus and care not to stray
After the pleasures of , from the ‘nly way;
For He gives to me pleasures and gladness each day,
He is keeping my soul in His love.

He is keeping my soul in His love.
And I know I shall meet Him above;
He will care for His own till the shadows are gone,
He is keeping my soul in His love.

I have found my Redeemer of all friends the best,
He has pardoned my sin all my life He has blest,
And I know we shall meet in that haven of rest,
He is keeping my soul in His love.

He is keeping my soul in His love.
And I know I shall meet Him above;
He will care for His own till the shadows are gone,
He is keeping my soul in His love.


Meaning of I Am Walking And Talking With Jesus

Have you ever walked and talked with Jesus? It may sound strange to some, but for those who believe in Him, it’s a real and comforting reality. This hymn beautifully describes the joy and peace that comes from staying close to Jesus and finding delight in His praises.

Walking and talking with Jesus is like having a best friend by your side at all times. He listens to your worries, celebrates your joys, and guides you on the right . It’s a relationship built on trust and love, where you can fully be yourself and know that you are accepted just as you are.

As the refrain of the hymn says, Jesus is keeping our souls in His love. This means that no matter what challenges or struggles we face in life, we can have confidence that He is watching over us and will never leave our side. His love is constant and unwavering, providing us with a sense of security and peace that cannot be found anywhere else.

When we choose to walk with Jesus, we are choosing a life of joy and fulfillment. We no longer feel the to chase after temporary pleasures or distractions because we have found true happiness in Him. He gives us a sense of purpose and contentment that cannot be shaken by the ups and downs of life.

One of the most beautiful aspects of walking with Jesus is the forgiveness and He offers us. Despite our past mistakes and shortcomings, He is always ready to forgive us and bless us with His love. We can find and restoration in His presence, knowing that we are truly loved and cherished by Him.

The hymn reminds us that meeting Jesus in that haven of rest is our ultimate goal. We look forward to the day when we will be reunited with Him in heaven, where all sorrows and shadows will be gone. Until that day comes, we can take comfort in the fact that He is always with us, keeping our souls safe in His love.

So, if you ever feel lost or alone, remember that you are never truly on your own. Jesus is walking and talking with you every step of the way, ready to shower you with His love and blessings. Trust in Him, sing His praises, and find delight in His presence – for He is keeping your soul in His love.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Walk and talk with Jesus for joy and peace. Find delight in His love and praises. Trust in His constant presence. Experience true happiness and forgiveness. Embrace his guidance and security.


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