Since I Came At Jesus Bidding – Hymn Lyric

Discover the peace and rest that can only be found in Jesus. Find hope

Since I Came At Jesus Bidding – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever felt like you were searching for something, but you didn’t quite know what it was? Like there was a missing piece to the puzzle of your life? Well, I’m here to tell you about a wonderful discovery that I made – a discovery that changed everything for me. It all started when I came at ‘ bidding and received the promised rest. This rest that Jesus gives is like a priceless pearl, more valuable than any earthly treasure. It is a gift that cannot be tarnished or stolen away. It is a gift that is bestowed upon me by divine, and I am forever grateful for it.


Since I Came At Jesus Bidding – Hymn Lyric

Since I came at Jesus’ bidding,
And received the promised rest,
I have found His ways most pleasant,
And His paths serene and blest;
Trials have been changed to conquests,
Sighs are lost in songs of praise;
And all turmoil, care and conflict
Are transformed by hope’s bright rays.

I have found it, I have found it,
That for which I’ve been in quest,
Satisfied are all my longings,
Now I’ve found His promised rest.

On His love my rest is founded,
And no storms that Rock can shake,
Though the winds may blow about it,
And the waves against it break;
Not a doubt can mar this trysting,
Not a fear disturb my calm,
Nor a weapon formed against me,
Do my peaceful harm.


Oh, this rest the Savior gives me,
Is the pearl of greatest worth,
In its preciousness and comfort,
surpassing gems of !
Moth and rust cannot corrupt it,
Naught rob this treasure mine,
For the rest is His who gave it,
And is kept by grace divine.



Meaning of Since I Came At Jesus Bidding

Have you ever felt like you were searching for something, but you didn’t quite know what it was? Like there was a missing piece to the puzzle of your life? Well, I’m here to tell you about a wonderful discovery that I made – a discovery that changed everything for me. It all started when I came at Jesus’ bidding and received the promised rest.

At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard about this rest that Jesus offered, but I wasn’t sure if it was real or if it was just a nice idea. But let me tell you, once I experienced it for myself, I knew that it was the real deal. His ways are so pleasant and His paths are truly serene and blessed. All the trials and struggles that used to weigh me down were transformed into victories. Instead of sighs of despair, I found myself singing songs of praise.

It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and all the chaos and conflict around me have been replaced with hope and peace. I have found what I have been searching for all this time, and all my longings have been satisfied. It’s like I have finally found my in this , and everything just feels right.

The love of Jesus is the foundation of this rest that I have found, and no storm or trial can shake it. Even when the winds of life blow fiercely and the waves of difficulty crash against me, I am secure in His love. There is a sense of calm and tranquility that surrounds me, protecting me from doubts and fears that used to plague my mind.

This rest that Jesus gives is like a priceless pearl, more valuable than any earthly treasure. It is a gift that cannot be tarnished or stolen away. It is a gift that is bestowed upon me by grace divine, and I am forever grateful for it.

So if you ever feel lost or uncertain, if you feel like something is missing in your life, just remember that there is a place of rest and peace for you. All you have to do is to Jesus and receive His promised rest. It may seem too good to be true, but I can assure you that it is real. I have found it, and so can you. Just trust in Him, and let His love surround you with calm and comfort. You won’t regret it.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the peace and rest that can only be found in Jesus. Find hope, comfort, and victory in His love. Come and find the promised rest today.


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