Jesus Christ The Lords Anointed – Hymn Lyric

Discover the timeless beauty of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ The Lords Anointed – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Christ, the ‘s anointed, is the foundation of the Christian . His sacrifice and love for sinners are unmatched, as he delivers us from guilt and offers forgiveness. With eyes fixed on Him, may we embrace His redemption and find healing for our souls.


Jesus Christ The Lords Anointed – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Christ, the Lord’s anointed,
Who his blood for sinner’s spilt;
Is the stone by appointed,
And the church is on him built:
He delivers
All who trust him, from their guilt.

Many eyes at once are fixed
On a person so divine;
Love with awful justice mixed,
In his great redemption shine:
Mighty Jesus!
Give me leave to call thee mine.

By the ‘s eye approved,
Lo, a voice is heard from heaven,
“Sinners, this is my beloved,
For your ransom freely given:
All offences,
For his sake, shall be forgiven.”

Angels with their eyes pursued him,
When he left his glorious throne;
With astonishment they viewed him,
Put the form of servant on:
Angels worshiped
Him who was on earth unknown.

Satan and his host amazed,
Saw this stone in Zion laid;
Jesus though to death abased,
Bruised the subtle serpent’s head,
When to save us,
On the cross his blood he shed.

When a guilty sinner sees him,
While he looks his soul is healed;
Soon his sight from anguish frees him,
And imparts a pardon sealed:
May this Savior
Be to all our hearts revealed.

With desire and admiration,
All his blood bought flock
Him who wrought out their ,
And enclosed them in his fold:
Yet their warmest
Love and praises are too cold.

By the eye of carnal reason,
Many view him with disdain;
How will they abide the season
When he’ll come with all his train?
To escape him
Then they’ll wish, but wish in vain.

How their hearts will melt and tremble,
When they hear his awful voice!
But his saints he’ll then assemble,
As his portion and his choice;
And receive them
To his joys.


Meaning of Jesus Christ The Lords Anointed

Jesus Christ, the Lord’s anointed, is truly a remarkable figure in the Christian faith. His sacrifice, shedding his blood for sinners, shows the depth of his love and compassion for all of us. Just like a stone that is carefully chosen and placed by God, Jesus is the foundation on which the church is built. When we place our trust in Him, He delivers us from our guilt and sets us .

It’s amazing to think about how many eyes are fixed on Jesus, how love and justice are perfectly balanced in His redemption of humanity. He is truly mighty, yet He allows us to call Him our own, to have a personal relationship with Him. This connection is confirmed by the Father’s approval and the voice from heaven declaring Jesus as the beloved Son, who freely gives Himself as a ransom for all.

Even the angels were astonished to see Jesus leave His throne in heaven and take on the form of a servant on earth. They worshiped Him, recognizing His true identity even when others did not. Satan and his followers were amazed when Jesus, though seemingly abased in death, actually crushed the power of evil by shedding His blood on the cross. This act of sacrifice and redemption is what heals our souls and grants us forgiveness and freedom.

When we, as guilty sinners, fix our eyes on Jesus, we experience healing and receive a pardon that is sealed by His love and grace. The Savior who bought us with His blood gathers us into His fold, surrounding us with His love and protection. It is a gift beyond compare, yet our love and praises for Him often fall short of what He truly deserves.

Some may view Jesus with disdain or skepticism, but there will come a time when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess His lordship. Those who reject Him now will face His judgment later, wishing in vain to escape His presence. It is a sobering thought, but for His saints, those who have embraced Him as Savior and Lord, there is comfort and joy in knowing that we will be gathered to Him in everlasting glory.

Let us look upon Jesus with desire and admiration, recognizing the depth of His love and the extent of His sacrifice for us. May we be filled with love and gratitude for all that He has done, and may our hearts overflow with praise and worship for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lord’s anointed.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the timeless beauty of Jesus Christ, the Lord's Anointed, who sacrificed His life for sinners. Experience His love, forgiveness, and mighty power. Embrace Him as your Savior and find everlasting joy.


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